Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Cook Grilled Red King Crab: Ingredients and Effects

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This is a guide to cooking Grilled Red King Crab, a Fried Recipe in the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more about cooking Grilled Red King Crab, its ingredients, and its effects!

How to Cook Grilled Red King Crab

Food Ingredients
Grilled Red King Crab
Grilled Red King Crab
- -
- - -
Skill Level: 75 Requires: Frying Pan

Grilled Red King Crab Info


Buying Selling
35000 G 11000 G

Grilled Red King Crab Effects

Effects HP Recovery+5000, HP Recovery+100%, RP Recovery+1000, RP Recovery+32%, Strength+65, Strength+8%, Vitality + 50, Vitality + 8%, Intelligence+65, Intelligence+8%

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