Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Craft Joy Waterpot: Info and Materials

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Joy Waterpot is one of the Waterpot Tools in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn how to craft Joy Waterpot, its stats, effects, and materials needed to craft it!

Joy Waterpot Tool Info

Basic Info

Subtype Waterpot
Skill Level 80

Price and How to Get

Buying Price Selling Price
- 2500
How to Get

Joy Waterpot Stats and Effects

0 40 100 80
Intelligence +50, Diz +5, CRIT +15%, Water the field. Charge to expand range further.

How to Craft Joy Waterpot


Mat. 1 Mat. 2 Mat. 3
(Qty.: 1)
Cloths and Skins
(Qty.: 1)
Mat. 4 Mat. 5 Mat. 6
- - -

How to Use Joy Waterpot

Rune Factory 5 -  How to Use Waterpot.jpg

Use Joy Waterpot to water your crops. Your crops need to be watered daily so take out your waterpot every morning and take water from the well to your crops. Equip your waterpot and face a seeded patch, and press B to water away. When you run out of water, simply go by the well and press B to refill your water pot. This action consumes RP so be sure to keep an eye on your RP bar.

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Rune Factory 5 - Rainbow WaterpotRainbow Waterpot Rune Factory 5 - Joy WaterpotJoy Waterpot


2 Anonymous4 months

For some reason, when I try to charge beyond level three (purple energy to red) it won't charge. I can only get my fishing rod to max charge. Is it a glitch in my game, or does it just not charge as high?

1 Anonymousover 2 years

This tool (as well as other farm tool recipes that use platinum ore) needs to have the recipe found to make or have almost every other skill leveled up high so you can hit 3k+ rune power to make it.


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