Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Craft Sorcerer's Wand: Info and Materials

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Sorcerer's Wand is one of the Staff Weapons in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn how to craft Sorcerer's Wand, its stats, effects, and materials needed to craft it!

Sorcerer's Wand Weapon Info

Basic Info

Subtype Staff
Skill Level 99
Attribute Light

Price and How to Get

Buying Price Selling Price
- 98000

Sorcerer's Wand Stats and Effects

0 0 12960 0
Diz +15

How to Craft Sorcerer's Wand


Mat. 1 Mat. 2 Mat. 3
Rune Sphere Shard
(Qty.: 1)
Ancient Fish Fin
(Qty.: 1)
Rune Crystal
(Qty.: 1)
Mat. 4 Mat. 5 Mat. 6
Small Crystal
(Qty.: 1)
Moving Branch
(Qty.: 1)

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Rune Factory 5 - SorcererSorcerer's Wand


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