Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Craft Belvarose: Info and Materials

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Belvarose is one of the Spear Weapons in Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn how to craft Belvarose, its stats, effects, and materials needed to craft it!

Belvarose Weapon Info

Basic Info

Subtype Spear
Skill Level 76
Attribute None

Price and How to Get

Buying Price Selling Price
- 15000

Belvarose Stats and Effects

6150 270 1800 0
Diz +16

How to Craft Belvarose


Mat. 1 Mat. 2 Mat. 3
Dragonic Stone
(Qty.: 1)
Strange Tentacle
(Qty.: 1)
Tablet of Truth
(Qty.: 1)
Mat. 4 Mat. 5 Mat. 6
MTGU Plate
(Qty.: 1)
Sticks and Stems
(Qty.: 1)

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All Weapon Types

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Rune Factory 5 - Flare LanceFlare Lance Rune Factory 5 - BrionacBrionac Rune Factory 5 - Summer LanceSummer Lance
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