Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Get Earth Crystal: Effects and Uses

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This is a guide to Earth Crystal, a type of Collectible, from the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more information on how to get Earth Crystal, its buying and selling price, its effects, and its uses.

How to Get Earth Crystal

Rune Factory 5 - Earth CrystalEarth Crystal
Class Buy Price Sell Price
Crystals 2000 G 250 G

Dropped By Enemy

Rune Factory 5 - GarmrGarmr Rune Factory 5 - Hell GhostHell Ghost Rune Factory 5 - GaiasGaias
Rune Factory 5 - MoleguinMoleguin Rune Factory 5 - YellowYellow

Explore Location


How to Use Earth Crystal

Cooking Recipes using Earth Crystal

This item is not known to be used in any cooking recipe!

Crafting Equipment using Earth Crystal

Equipment Materials
Rune Factory 5 - Earthen BladeEarthen Blade Silver (x1)
Ivory Tusk (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Earth PendantEarth Pendant Silver Pendant (x1)
Gold (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Gaia SwordGaia Sword Gold (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Lightning Horn (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Earth StaffEarth Staff Earth Crystal (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Earth ShadeEarth Shade Gold (x1)
Silver (x1)
Black Feather (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Fists of the EarthFists of the Earth Gold (x1)
Lightning Horn (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Cloths and Skins (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Trinity EdgeTrinity Edge Minerals (x1)
Blade Shard (x3)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Rock AxeRock Axe Gold (x1)
Silver (x1)
Giant's Glove (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Desert WindDesert Wind Malm Claw (x1)
Wind Crystal (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
MTGU Plate (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Broken WallBroken Wall Armor Fragment (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Graviton HammerGraviton Hammer Grimoire Scale (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Minerals (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - GrantaleGrantale Orichalcum (x1)
Yellow Feather (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Amethyst (x1)
Hard Scale (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Grand SmasherGrand Smasher Yellow Feather (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Strange Tentacle (x1)
Dragon Golem Ashes (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Moon ShadowMoon Shadow Glitter Scale (x1)
Light Crystal (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Brilliant Feather (x1)
Fine Green Fur (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Earth RingEarth Ring Orichalcum (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)

Earth Crystal Effects and Buffs

Earth Crystal Effects when Consumed

This item is not known to give any effects.

Earth Crystal Buffs when Used for Crafting

Difficulty Buffs
25 Defense+5, Earth attribute when combined with weapon

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

RF5 - Collectibles Partial Banner.png
List of All Collectibles

All Collectibles

Collectibles List
Minerals Shards Jewels
Crystals Sticks and Stems Liquids
Stones Strings Furs
Powders and Spores Claws and Fangs Cloths and Skins
Scales Farm Dragon Crystals Feathers
Shells and Bones Trash and Others

All Crystals

Rune Factory 5 - Big CrystalBig Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Crystal SkullCrystal Skull Rune Factory 5 - Dark CrystalDark Crystal
Rune Factory 5 - Earth CrystalEarth Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Electro CrystalElectro Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Fire CrystalFire Crystal
Rune Factory 5 - Ice CrystalIce Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Light CrystalLight Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Love CrystalLove Crystal
Rune Factory 5 - Magic CrystalMagic Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Rune CrystalRune Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Small CrystalSmall Crystal
Rune Factory 5 - Water CrystalWater Crystal Rune Factory 5 - Wind CrystalWind Crystal


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