Rune Factory 5 (RF5)

How to Get Orichalcum: Effects and Uses

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This is a guide to Orichalcum, a type of Collectible, from the game Rune Factory 5 (RF5). Read on to learn more information on how to get Orichalcum, its buying and selling price, its effects, and its uses.

How to Get Orichalcum

Rune Factory 5 - OrichalcumOrichalcum
Class Buy Price Sell Price
Minerals 28000 G 3500 G

Dropped By Enemy

This item is not known to be dropped by an enemy.

Explore Location

Rigbarth Maze
In-Game View Map View

How to Use Orichalcum

Cooking Recipes using Orichalcum

This item is not known to be used in any cooking recipe!

Crafting Equipment using Orichalcum

Equipment Materials
Rune Factory 5 - GrantaleGrantale Orichalcum (x1)
Yellow Feather (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Amethyst (x1)
Hard Scale (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Lamellar VestLamellar Vest Orichalcum (x1)
Scales (x1)
Strings (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Force DivideForce Divide Orichalcum (x1)
Fire Crystal (x1)
Water Crystal (x1)
Red Core (x1)
Blue Core (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - BrionacBrionac Orichalcum (x1)
Light Crystal (x1)
Sapphire (x1)
Crimson Claw (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Shine BladeShine Blade Orichalcum (x1)
Platinum (x1)
Light Crystal (x1)
Sapphire (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Heat AxeHeat Axe Orichalcum (x1)
Fire Crystal (x1)
Ruby (x1)
Red Dragon Ashes (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Autumn SwordAutumn Sword Sapphire (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Fists of LightFists of Light Orichalcum (x1)
Light Crystal (x2)
Big Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Spring SwordSpring Sword Diamond (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Bubble StaffBubble Staff Blue Core (x1)
Strange Tentacle (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Winter RodWinter Rod Amethyst (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Spring Buster SwordSpring Buster Sword Diamond (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Knight ShieldKnight Shield Orichalcum (x1)
Grimoire Scale (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Feather BootsFeather Boots Orichalcum (x1)
Big Bird's Comb (x1)
Big Crystal (x1)
Feathers (x1)
Strings (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Summer AxeSummer Axe Ruby (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Winter GlovesWinter Gloves Amethyst (x1)
Cloths and Skins (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Autumn HammerAutumn Hammer Sapphire (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Aerial BladeAerial Blade Orichalcum (x1)
Crimson Claw (x1)
Wind Crystal (x1)
Emerald (x1)
Claws and Fangs (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Summer LanceSummer Lance Ruby (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Viscous Liquid (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - CueCue Stick (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Sharp Horn (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Poison QueenPoison Queen Orichalcum (x1)
Light Crystal (x1)
Sapphire (x1)
Holy Spore (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Obsidian FistsObsidian Fists Orichalcum (x1)
Black Scale (x1)
Big Giant's Nail (x1)
Rune Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Cat PunchCat Punch Orichalcum (x1)
Quality Worn Cloth (x1)
Yellow Feather (x1)
Big Bird's Comb (x1)
Sharp Claw (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Crystal HammerCrystal Hammer Orichalcum (x1)
Crystal Skull (x1)
Big Crystal (x1)
Shards (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Diamond RingDiamond Ring Orichalcum (x1)
Diamond (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - SchnabelSchnabel Orichalcum (x1)
Ammonite (x1)
Blue Core (x1)
Shards (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - MetusMetus Orichalcum (x1)
Spider Jaw (x1)
Hard Scale (x1)
Mermaid Scale (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Gold RingGold Ring Gold (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Crimson Fur (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Ironleaf FistsIronleaf Fists Orichalcum (x1)
Crimson Scale (x1)
MTGU Plate (x1)
Ironleaf (x2)
Rune Factory 5 - Smash BladeSmash Blade Orichalcum (x1)
Pirate's Armor (x1)
4-Leaf Clover (x1)
Sharp Claw (x1)
Claws and Fangs (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Storm WandStorm Wand Mealy Apple (x1)
Electro Crystal (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Silent GraveSilent Grave Orichalcum (x1)
Dangerous Scissors (x1)
Crystal Skull (x1)
Shards (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - IcifierIcifier Orichalcum (x1)
Mermaid Scale (x1)
Water Crystal (x1)
Aquamarine (x1)
Claws and Fangs (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Power ProtectorPower Protector Orichalcum (x3)
MTGU Plate (x1)
Dangerous Scissors (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - AlldaleAlldale Orichalcum (x2)
Dangerous Scissors (x1)
White Stone (x1)
Yellow Core (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - CaestusCaestus Orichalcum (x1)
Dangerous Scissors (x1)
Brilliant Feather (x1)
Fine Green Fur (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Soul EaterSoul Eater Orichalcum (x1)
Dangerous Scissors (x1)
Love Crystal (x1)
Mermaid Scale (x1)
Dragon Golem Ashes (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Gigant Hammer +Gigant Hammer + Gigant Hammer (x1)
Golem Spirit Stone (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Small Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Steel SlicerSteel Slicer Orichalcum (x2)
Golem Spirit Stone (x1)
MTGU Plate (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - RaventineRaventine Orichalcum (x2)
Golem Spirit Stone (x1)
Fire Crystal (x1)
Red Dragon Ashes (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - BjorBjor Melody Bottle (x1)
Holy Spore (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Small Crystal (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Golem PunchGolem Punch Orichalcum (x1)
Golem Spirit Stone (x1)
Golem Tablet (x1)
MTGU Plate (x1)
Razor Fang (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - MageMage's Staff + Dragonic Stone (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Love Scale (x2)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Diamond BroochDiamond Brooch Orichalcum (x1)
Light Ore (x1)
Rune Crystal (x1)
Diamond (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Break HammerBreak Hammer Orichalcum (x1)
Palm Claw (x1)
Sticks and Stems (x1)
Minerals (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Star SaberStar Saber Orichalcum (x1)
Golem Spirit Stone (x1)
Wind Crystal (x1)
Emerald (x1)
Electro Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Blue-Eyed BladeBlue-Eyed Blade Dragonic Stone (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Blue Core (x1)
Claws and Fangs (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Gae BolgGae Bolg Dragonic Stone (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Grimoire Scale (x1)
Black Scale (x1)
Moving Branch (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Dolphin BroochDolphin Brooch White Stone (x1)
Orichalcum (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Wind RingWind Ring Orichalcum (x1)
Wind Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Earth RingEarth Ring Orichalcum (x1)
Earth Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Fire RingFire Ring Orichalcum (x1)
Fire Crystal (x1)
Rune Factory 5 - Water RingWater Ring Orichalcum (x1)
Water Crystal (x1)

Orichalcum Effects and Buffs

Orichalcum Effects when Consumed

This item is not known to give any effects.

Orichalcum Buffs when Used for Crafting

This item is not known to grant any buffs.

Rune Factory 5 Related Guides

RF5 - Collectibles Partial Banner.png
List of All Collectibles

All Collectibles

Collectibles List
Minerals Shards Jewels
Crystals Sticks and Stems Liquids
Stones Strings Furs
Powders and Spores Claws and Fangs Cloths and Skins
Scales Farm Dragon Crystals Feathers
Shells and Bones Trash and Others

All Minerals

Rune Factory 5 - BronzeBronze Rune Factory 5 - Dragonic StoneDragonic Stone Rune Factory 5 - GoldGold
Rune Factory 5 - IronIron Rune Factory 5 - OrichalcumOrichalcum Rune Factory 5 - PlatinumPlatinum
Rune Factory 5 - SilverSilver


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