Monster Hunter Now

Garon Lance Stats and Forging Materials

The Garon Lance is the Odogaron Lance in Monster Hunter Now. The stats, skills, forging materials, and upgrades of the Garon Lance can be found here.

Garon Lance Stats and Skills

Garon Lance Overview
MHNow - Garon Lance
Attack 317 Affinity 5%
Element None Special Skill Dash Attack
Skills Evasive Concentration Lv. 1 (G8)

Garon Lance Forging Materials

Garon Lance Required Materials

How to Forge the Garon Lance
Monster Materials
Zenny Cost 900z

Garon Lance Upgrades

Garon Lance Weapon Tree

Name Attack Affinity Element
G4 Garon Lance 1 317 5%
G5 Garon Lance 2 457 5%
G6 Garon Dhara 1 595 10%
G7 Garon Dhara 2 776 10%
G8 Garon Dhara 3 1012 15%
G9 Garon Dhara 4 1319 15%
G10 Garon Dhara 5 1719 20%

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List of All Lances

MHNow - Iron LanceIron Lance MHNow - Kulu LanceKulu Lance MHNow - Blooming LanceBlooming Lance
MHNow - Carapace LanceCarapace Lance MHNow - Thunder LanceThunder Lance MHNow - Aqua HornAqua Horn
MHNow - Glacial LanceGlacial Lance MHNow - Flame LanceFlame Lance MHNow - Tusk LanceTusk Lance
MHNow - ThunderpierceThunderpierce MHNow - Bone LanceBone Lance MHNow - Blue TailBlue Tail
MHNow - Garon LanceGaron Lance MHNow - Grief LanceGrief Lance MHNow - Laguna PikeLaguna Pike
MHNow - Venom LanceVenom Lance Daora's Fang


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