Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Beginning Trials Walkthrough

The Beginning Trials is the first set of challenges added in The Master Trials DLC of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Here are tips on how to clear all 13 floors of The Beginning Trials and what to expect on each floor!

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The Beginning Trials The Middle Trials The Final Trials

The Beginning Trials Walkthrough

Jump to a floor!
Floor 1 Floor 2 Floor 3
Floor 4 Floor 5 Floor 6
Floor 7 Floor 8 Floor 9
Floor 10 Floor 11 Floor 12
Floor 13

The Beginning Trials has a total of 13 floors with one Resting Spot. Completing the Beginning Trials leads you to the room where you can boost the Master Sword's power from 30 to 40.

Floor 1

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 1

Enemies Bokoblin (3)
Equipment Tree Branch (3)
Boko Club (1)
Woodcutter's Axe (1)
Boko Spear (1)
Boko Shield (1)
Food & Materials Seared Steak (1)
・Various Food (Multiple)

The first floor of the Beginning Trials pits you against three Bokoblin. Sneak and climb up one of the trees near the camp. From up there, throw a Remote Bomb to defeat them before they get to their weapons.

Once you take care of them, pick up all of the weapons and food scattered throughout the level. You'll need them in the succeeding floors!

Floor 2

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 2

Enemies Bokoblin (4)
Fire Chuchu (1)
Equipment Traveler's Sword (1)
Boko Bat (1)
Boko Bow (2)
Arrow (Multiple)
Traveler's Shield (1)
Food & Materials ・Various Food (Multiple)

There are four Bokoblins in this level, with two serving as lookouts for the rest. Prioritize taking out the Bokoblin on the tower and then pick off the rest. There is a Fire Chuchu you can easily defeat to light up the grass, creating an updraft that you can use to head up the fort near the tower.

Destroy the crates and barrels before leaving and pick up any arrows that the Bokoblin Archers shot at you.

Floor 3

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 3

Enemies Fire Chuchu (4)
Chuchu (4)
Equipment Boomerang (1)
Fire Arrow (5)
Food & Materials None

This floor pits you against waves of Chuchus that are fairly easy to beat so long as you keep your distance. Simply use your Remote Bomb to safely dispatch each wave of Chuchus.

To access the two treasure chests in this level, draw one of the Fire Chuchus close to the where the chests are. Defeat the Chuchu and use the updraft to reach the chest.

Floor 4

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 4

Enemies Blue Bokoblin (2)
Bokoblin (5)
Equipment Soldier's Broadsword (1)
Boko Club (1)
Spiked Boko Bat (1)
Traveler's Spear (1)
Boko Spear (1)
Traveler's Bow (1)
Spiked Boko Bow (1)
Arrow (Multiple)
Fire Arrow (Multiple)
Soldier's Shield (1)
Food & Materials Bird Egg (2)

This floor pits you against five Bokoblins and two Blue Bokoblins. The most dangerous enemy here is the Archer at the very top of the fort who will shoot fire arrows at Link.

There are many ways you can take out this enemy; you can shoot it with an arrow or use Magnesis on one of the metal crates and use it to push both the archers off their sniping spots.

Floor 5

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 5

Enemies Moblin (2)
Blue Bokoblin (3)
Equipment Spiked Boko Club (1)
Spiked Boko Bat (1)
Moblin Club (1)
Spiked Boko Spear (1)
Moblin Spear (1)
Arrow (Multiple)
Spiked Boko Shield (1)
Food & Materials ・Various Food (Multiple)

This level has a skull cave with three Blue Bokoblins hiding inside. The two Moblins that patrol near the mouth of the cave are the toughest enemies in this level, but are otherwise fairly easy to engage.

Lure the Moblins Away from the Cave

Although stronger than their Bokoblin counterparts, Moblins are simple enemies that you can trick and lure away from the cave they are guarding. You can even lure them separately, allowing you to engage them one-on-one.

Once the two Moblin patrols are taken care of, you can now attack the three Blue Bokoblins. There is a lantern in the skull cave that you can shoot to quickly defeat the Bokoblins, but this may cause the weapons inside to burn up.

If you want to preserve the weapons inside the cave, you can lure out the three Bokoblins into the open and grab the items afterwards.

Floor 6

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 6

Enemies Stone Talus (1)
Equipment None
Food & Materials None

A Stone Talus is the first boss for the Beginning Trials. As with all Taluses, this rocky titan will only awaken if you get close to it. Use this opportunity to ready your weapons and get into position.

Defeating the Stone Talus

As with all Taluses, it can only be damaged by hitting the rocky outcropping in its body. Shooting an arrow at this outcropping stuns the Talus, allowing you to jump on its body and hit it repeatedly with a strong weapon.

The Stone Talus' most dangerous attack is its rock blast attack. Since the arena is relatively small, it can be difficult to run way from this attack.

To prevent the Stone Talus from using its powerful attacks, use a Remote Bomb to destroy its arms. This also causes it to fall over momentarily, allowing you to climb on its body or shoot its weak point with a bow.

A Talus that's missing one or both of its arms also stops attacking you in an attempt to regenerate its missing limbs. You can do this repeatedly, essentially stunlocking it so that it can't attack.

Finally, you can use the Stasis rune to freeze the Talus in place, allowing you to destroy its arms or shoot its weak point easily.

Floor 7

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 7 Rest Area

Enemies None
Equipment Torch (1)
Eightfold Blade (1)
Serpentine Spear (1)
Arrow (Multiple)
Fire Arrow (Multiple)
Shield of the Mind's Eye (1)
Food & Materials Apple (2)
Armored Carp (3)
Fairy (1)
Ironshroom (2)
Razorshroom (2)
・Various Food (Multiple)

Floor 7 is a Resting Spot. Use this opportunity to cook food and capture fairies.

It's also a good idea to destroy all the trees here and use the wood to cook Rock-Hard Food Food. While disgusting to eat, it still recovers hearts and can be invaluable in later floors once your food starts running out.

Floor 8

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 8

Enemies Blue Lizalfos (2)
Lizalfos (2)
Electric Chuchu (1)
Equipment Lizal Boomerang (1)
Throwing Spear (1)
Boko Spear (4)
Lizal Bow (1)
Arrow (10)
Food & Materials Roasted Bass (3)
・Various Food (Multiple)

This level has two Blue Lizalfos prowling about and two regular Lizalfos hanging around the camp. Their erratic behaviour and combat style makes them tough enemies to deal with in groups, so it's a good idea to take them out one-on-one.

The solitary Blue Lizalfos near the rocks can prove troublesome if you decide to head directly to their camp, so take it out from a distance with your arrows. There's an Electric Chuchu in the camp that you can shoot to stun the two Lizalfos and take out without retaliation.

Once all enemies are taken care of, grab all of the food items in this level. You will need it in the succeeding floors.

Floor 9

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 9

Enemies Electric Wizzrobe (1)
Water Octorok (2)
Equipment Lightning Rod (1)
Arrow (10)
Food & Materials None

This floor has two Water Octorocks and one Electric Wizzrobe. Ignore the Wizzrobe for now and focus on taking out the Water Octorocks. Their rock spit attack does more damage and has a nasty habit of stunning Link.

Once the two Water Octorocks are taken care off, you can safely engage the Wizzrobe. If you're having trouble hitting it, simply use Stasis on it. Make sure to grab the Lightning Rod it drops; it will help you against the monsters on the next floor!

Floor 10

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 10

Enemies Black Lizalfos (2)
Blue Lizalfos (1)
Equipment Lizal Boomerang (1)
Lizal Spear (1)
Lizal Bow (1)
Arrow (Multiple)
Lizal Shield (1)
Food & Materials ・Various Food (Multiple)

Floor 10 is arguably the most difficult floor in the Beginning Trials as the Blue Lizalfos will immediately spot you once you warp into the level. When this happens, it will often call the two Black Lizalfos who will promptly gang up on you.

Immediately use Stasis on the first Lizalfos and quickly snipe it with your strongest bow. One headshot should take it out.

Sneak behind either of the two remaining Lizalfos, use Stasis, and attack it with your strongest weapon to make sure it's defeated before the rune wears off. Do the same on the last Lizalfos.

Stun Enemies with the Lightning Rod

All three Lizalfos wield spears that have an even greater reach due to the Lizalfos' long arms. Keep your distance and use the Lightning Rod to stun them and then rush them with your strongest weapons. You can also use the Remote Bomb to knock them off balance if they are grouped together.

Floor 11

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 11

Enemies Black Moblin (1)
Black Bokoblin (1)
Blue Bokoblin (1)
Bokoblin (6)
Equipment Soldier's Broadsword (1)
Dragonbone Boko Club (1)
Spiked Boko Bat (1)
Soldier's Spear (1)
Spiked Boko Spear (1)
Spiked Boko Bow (4)
Arrow (Multiple)
Fire Arrow (10)
Shock Arrow (10)
Dragonbone Boko Shield (1)
Food & Materials ・Various Food (Multiple)

Floor 11 is a mostly water level with a few rocks and enemies positioned on wooden platforms. Get on the raft and cut the line holding it to slowly make your way to the area with the enemies. You can use Cryonis on the water to stop the raft from moving any further.

Take out the Archers

There are two Blue Bokoblin Archers that will spot you as soon as you near the camp. These shoot Fire Arrows at you, so be careful and try to engage them at a distance. Alternatively, you can rush towards the right platform and attack the Bokoblin directly as its safer to shoot the other Bokoblin from the platform.

Knock the Enemies Into the Water

If you have a Korok Leaf, which you can get from any of the trees you knocked over in the past floors, you can use it to simply push the enemies off the platforms. All of the enemies here, from the Bokoblins to the lone Black Moblin, will drown once they hit the water.

Even without a Korok Leaf, you can use the Remote Bomb to knock the Bokoblins off their feet and into the water. The Moblin can be knocked into the water by throwing any weapon at it, although you may need to disarm its shield to do so.

Floor 12

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 12

Enemies Blue Hinox (1)
Equipment Knight's Broadsword (1)
Knight's Bow (1)
Knight's Shield (1)
Food & Materials Palm Fruit (Multiple)

Your last challenge is a Blue Hinox. Before engaging the boss, ready your weapons and gather the Palm Fruit in the arena for extra healing. The Hinox will stay asleep until you actually attack it.

You can also sneak up and climb its open palm. This causes the Hinox to bring you to its stomach, allowing you to get the weapons hanging on its neck.

Defeat the Blue Hinox

The boss is fairly easy so long as you keep your distance. It's attacks are powerful but slow, and you often have enough time and space to run away before its attacks hit.

As with all Hinox, you can easily stun it by shooting its eye with an arrow. Once it's stunned, use your strongest weapon and attack it! You can also throw weak weapons at its eye to stun it if you run out of arrows.

The Hinox will start covering its eye once its health reaches a certain level. Use Stasis on it and shoot its eye to stun it, then use your most powerful weapons to finish it off!

Floor 13

BOTW - The Beginning Trials Floor 13

Walk up to the Master Sword to complete The Beginning Trials and boost the Master Sword's power from 30 to 40.

Breath of the Wild Related Guides

BOTW - DLC Quests

List of DLC Quests

Trial of the Sword Guides

All Trial of the Sword Guides
EX Trial of the Sword
The Beginning Trials The Middle Trials The Final Trials

Other DLC Quests

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EX Treasure: Dark Armor EX Treasure: Usurper King EX Treasure: Garb of Winds
EX Treasure: Merchant Hood EX Royal Guard Rumors EX Ancient Horse Rumors
EX Champion Mipha's Song EX Champion Daruk's Song EX Champion Urbosa's Song
EX Champion Revali's Song EX The Champions' Ballad


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