Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Get the Spiked Boko Bow: Damage Output and Prices

This is a guide to the Spiked Boko Bow, a weapon in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Read on to see the Spiked Boko Bow's stats, effects, prices, and where to find it.

Spiked Boko Bow Stats and Effects

Base Info

Spiked Boko Bow
Breath of the Wild - Spiked Boko Bow
Weapon Type Bow
Attack Power 12
Durability 20
Effect Quick Shot
An upgraded Boko bow bound with animal bone to boost its durability and firepower. Its craftsmanship is sloppy, but it's light and easy to use.

How to Get the Spiked Boko Bow

Locations and Prices

・Faron Grasslands
・East Necluda

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