Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Where to Farm Ironshrooms: Locations and Prices

This is a guide to farming Ironshrooms, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where to get Ironshrooms, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with it.

Ironshroom General Info

Ironshroom Image
Item Type Materials
The cap of this mushroom is very hard. Use it when cooking to prepare a dish that increases your defense.

Ironshroom Effects

Heart Recovery 0.5
Cooking Effect Defense Up

Ironshroom Buy Prices

Buy Price 20 / -

Where to Farm Ironshrooms

Ironshroom Locations and Sources

Common Locations
・West Necluda
・East Necluda

How to Farm Ironshroom Fast

Ironshrooms Locations

Star Icon - Ironshroom

West Necluda

There are 67 Ironshrooms in West Necluda. Their locations are described in the table below.

Location Description
Hills of Baumer
Fast travel to Bosh Kala Shrine, then cross Proxim Bridge. After crossing the bridge, follow along the path until you reach a group of shrubs and tree remains by the road. Behind the shorter tree stump is 1 Ironshroom.

Continue along the path until you find yourself inside a forest where you will locate 4 Ironshroom.

Turn right after exiting the forest until you reached an abandoned campsite, where you'll find 1 Ironshroom under the apple tree and another 1 Ironshroom under a tree further back.

Proceed to the tower North of the campsite to find 1 Ironshroom under a tree.
Batrea Lake
Fast travel to Wahgo Katta Shrine, then cross Horwell Bridge to reach 1 Ironshroom under a tree near a Forest Octorok.

Continue traveling South to reach the forest surrounding Batrea Lake to find 30 Ironshrooms.
Floret Sandbar
Fast travel to Hila Rao Shrine. The 3 Ironshrooms are located behind the shrine. If you already cleared the Shrine Quest, Watch Out for the Flowers, you can step on the flowers surrounding the Shrine to automatically teleport outside the flower maze.
Great Fairy Fountain near Kakariko Village
Beside the Great Fairy Fountain is 1 Ironshroom under a tree.

The forest surrounding the lake beside the Great Fairy Fountain has 4 Ironshrooms.
Kakariko Bridge
While traveling down the mountain from Kakariko Village, there is 1 Ironshroom by the rocks near Kakariko Bridge.
Blatchery Plain

1 Ironshroom can be found under a tree stump near the Guardian Stalker Ruins.
Bubinga Forest
The forest behind the Dueling Peaks Stable has 4 Ironshrooms. Fast travel to Ha Dahamar Shrine to reach the forest quickly.
Hickaly Woods
Fast travel to Toto Sah Shrine and climb up the rock ledge to Hickaly Woods to find 3 Ironshrooms.
Mount Rozudo
From Hateno Tower, glide down to your left and land in the forest area near a Bokoblin campsite. There is 1 Ironshroom under the arch in the middle of the path and another 1 Ironshroom under a tree.
Dueling Peaks (North)
Fast travel to Shee Venath Shrine and glide down to the encircled location. The 1 Ironshroom is under a tree near the altar with the Korok.

Continue down to Mable Ridge where you'll find 1 Ironshroom under a tree. A Stone Talus resides around the area but there is no need to awaken it to reach the Ironshroom.
Finra Woods and Faron Woods Fast travel to Pumaag Nitae Shrine and you'll find 4 Ironshrooms in the woods.
Lakeside Stable
Fast travel to Shai Utoh Shrine and you'll find 1 Ironshrooms in the woods surrounding the stable.
Bronas Forest
Fast travel to Faron Tower and glide left to the forest near the tower. There are 2 Ironshrooms here.

East Necluda

There are 24 Ironshrooms in East Necluda. Their locations are described in the table below.

Location Description
Fort Hateno (East)
Enter Fort Hateno and you will reach a forest where 2 Ironshrooms are located.
Tree Grove beyond Fort Hateno
Follow the path through Fort Hateno until you reach a fork road. Climb up the rock ledge to your left to reach a tree grove where 1 Ironshroom is located near a floating Korok.
Forest Near Mount Rozudo
Return to the fork path and cross the rock bridge to the right side. Traverse through the road up the mountain until you reach a forest with an abandoned campsite inside, where you'll find 3 Ironshrooms.

Another way to go here is to hike down Mount Rozudo and walk North pass Oakle's Naval til you reached the forest.
Marblod Plain and Firly Plateau
Continue following the path near the forest until you reach a fork sign. Take the right path to reach a forest where you'll find 7 Ironshrooms.
Midia Woods and Ginner Woods Near Hateno Village Continue walking until you reach another fork (near a Yiga Footsoldier). Take the left path to return to the original path then turn right to reach the woods where you'll locate 5 Ironshrooms.
Tree Near Keya Pond

Return to the fork near the Yiga Footsoldier and take the right path this time. Instead of following the path all the way to the sea, walk until you reach the first arch. Climb up the rock ledge to your left and cross the arch to the other side. Travel to the encircled location to reach 1 Ironshroom.
Tawan Pass
To farm here, we recommend finishing Shrine Quest, The Three Giant Brothers, to activate Tawa Jinn Shrine. Fast travel to the shrine and go to the areas where the Hinox Brothers were located.

There are 3 Ironshrooms between Hanu Pond where the Hinox (Youngest Kin) used to sleep and Koto Pond.

There is 1 Ironshroom by Uten Marsh where the Hinox (Middle Kin) used to sleep.

There is 1 Ironshroom by Rabella Wetlands where the Hinox (Oldest Kin) used to sleep.

What To Do With Ironshrooms

Sell for Rupees

Ironshroom can be sold for 5 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Ironshroom 5

Use It for Cooking

Ironshroom can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

There are no entries for this item.

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Ironshroom can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

There are no entries for this item.

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