Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

How to Farm Fairies Quickly: Locations and Prices

This is a guide to farming Fairies, a material in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Learn where to get Fairies, its buy and sell prices, as well as what you can do with it.

Fairy General Info

Fairy Image
Item Type Creatures
This fairy will fly from your pouch and heal all your wounds the moment you lose your last heart. It's easily mistaken for a firefly at first, but it glows in the daylight as well as night.

Fairy Effects

Heart Recovery 5
Cooking Effect None

Fairy Buy Prices

Buy Price - / -

Where to Farm Fairies

Fairy Locations and Sources

Common Locations
・Greater Hyrule

Great Fairy Fountains

Great Fairy Cotera
Kakariko Village
Great Fairy Kayasa
Tabantha Tower
Great Fairy Mija
Lake Akkala
Great Fairy Tera
Gerudo Desert

Though Fairies can spawn randomly all over Hyrule, you'll find at least 4 Fairies at every *Great Fairy Fountain.

However, Fairies will not spawn anywhere if you have more than 2 Fairies in your inventory.

*This does not include Malanya Spring

How to Farm Fairies

Despite the spawn limit, there are methods to increase that allow you to have upto 21 Faires in your inventory.

Sneak Up on a Fairy

BotW - How to Farm Fairies Quickly - Sneak Up on a Fairy

To collect a Fairy, slowly walk over to them and press the A Button to collect.

If available to you, put on the Sheikah Set to boost your Stealth.

Intended Limit (6 Fairies)

BotW - How to Farm Fairies Quickly - Intended Limit (6 Fairies)
So long as you have no more than 2 Fairies in your inventory, you can travel to any Great Fairy Fountain and collect 4 more Fairies.

11 Fairies in Inventory

Follow these steps to have to carry 11 Fairies in your inventory.

1 BotW - How to Farm Fairies Quickly - Step 1
+3 Fairies
Head to any Great Fairy Fountain and collect only 3 Fairies.
+4 Fairies
Head to a second Great Fairy Fountain. Then, hold 2 Fairies from you inventory.

This allows the game to spawn 4 more Fairies because Fairies you hold do not take up inventory space.

Collect the Fairies for a total 7 Fairies in your inventory.
+4 Fairies
Repeat Step 2 at another Great Fairy Fountain for a total of 11 Fairies in your inventory.

What to Do with Fairies

Restore Your Hearts

BotW - How to Farm Fairies Quickly - Restore Your Hearts
You can use Fairies as a healing item! Go into your inventory and click on “Use” to gain back 5 Hearts.

Fairies can also auto revive you when you run out of Hearts. Be sure to collect them when you have the chance!

Sell for Rupees

Fairy can be sold for 2 Rupees. However, we recommend looking into other uses instead.

Item Sell Price
Fairy 2

Use It for Cooking

Fairy can be used to whip up the following recipes and elixirs.

Fairy Tonic IconFairy Tonic Fairy Tonic (2) IconFairy Tonic (2) Fairy Tonic (3) IconFairy Tonic (3) Fairy Tonic (4) IconFairy Tonic (4)

Use It for Armor Upgrades

Fairy can be used to upgrade the following armor through Great Fairies.

There are no entries for this item.

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