How to beat Dark Yojimbo Tips and Guide

Final Fantasy X How to beat Dark Yojimbo

This is a walkthrough for the boss fight Dark Yojimbo from the game Final Fantasy X (FF 10, FF X). Read on for tips and strategy about how to beat Dark Yojimbo , including Dark Yojimbo's stats and other useful information.

Dark Yojimbo Related Guides

Dark Matter Farming

Dark Aeons drops Dark Matter as a regular drop (with Master Sphere being a rare drop). Thanks to Dark Yojimbo's unique method of defeat, Dark Yojimbo became an ideal source of Dark Matters which can be used to craft rare abilities like Ribbon and Break Damage Limit.

How to Get Dark Matter

Dark Yojimbo Information

Dark Yojimbo Basic Information

Name Dark Yojimbo
HP(Overkill) 1600000 (99999) MP 999
AP(Overkill) 30000 (40000) Gil -
Dark Matter 1 (2) Drop
Master Sphere 1 (2)
Stamina Tonic 2 Steal
Elixir 1
Daigoro Kozuka
Zanmato Wakisashi (All)

Dark Yojimbo Stats

Srength 244 Agility 243
Defense 210 Luck 114
Magic 131 Evasion 0
Magic Defense 144 Accuracy 255

Dark Yojimbo Elemental Resistances

Fire Lightning Water Ice Holy
100% 100% 100% 100% 100%

Dark Yojimbo Status Resistances

Sleep Silence Darkness
Poison Petrify Slow
Zombie Power Break Magic Break
Armor Break Mental Break Threaten
Death Provoke Doom
Distill Sensor Scan
Gravity Delay Eject
Zanmato Lv.

Dark Yojimbo Equipment Ability Drops

Weapon & Armor slots3-4
Weapon and Armor Ability Drops1-2
Weapon Ability Drops
Counter attack Magic Counter
Overdrive to AP Break Damage Limit
Armor Ability Drops
Curse Proof Break HP Limit

Weapon & Armor Slots Drops depicts the amount of possible slots the enemy's equipment drops will have while the Ability Drops depicts the possible amount of abilities the dropped weapon may have.

Dark Yojimbo Boss Battle Guide


Dark Yojimbo

Stats Max Stats with high luck (atleast 115)
Weapon Celestial Weapons
Armour Auto-Haste, Auto-Protect, Stoneproof, Defense +20%,
Characters Yuna (Summon Aeon to block Zanmato)
White Magics Auto-Life


Daigoro Inflicts petrification and deals damage to a single target
Kozuka Deals massive damage to a single target.
Wakizashi Deals massive damage to the whole party.
Zanmato Instantly kills the all targets
Pierces Auto-Life


Have Rikku use Hyper Mighty G to apply Auto-life to the whole party or cast auto-life manually to each member. Never leave a party member without Auto-life (This is to make sure that you can survive Wakizashi) and make sure to only use Quick Attacks against Yojimbo.

Due to his high defense stat, it is not advisable to use Overdrives (except for a 12-hit Attack Reel), instead, opt for Quick Attacks. If all attacks are dealing 99,999 damage (possible with the Celestial Weapon's defense ignoring effect), the Yojimbo can be slain in 17 attacks.

Repeat this same tactic against him for the following 5 battles to truly beat Dark Yojimbo.

Is Dark Yojimbo Really Defeated?

Defeat Dark Yojimbo 5 Times

FFX Dark Yojimbo Defeat Confirmation
After the battle in the last room, the summoner will either run away or bow to you and walk away(if the summoner bows, that is a signal that Yojimbo has been slain). To truly defeat dark Yojimbo, you have to beat him five times. The third battle is skippable so make sure not to head for the exit right away after the second battle.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

Main Story Bosses
Sinspawn: Ammes Geosgaeno
Klikk Tros
Kimahri Sin(Fin)
Sinspawn:Echuilles LordOchu
Sinspawn:Geneaux Oblitzerator
Chocobo Eater Sinspawn: Gui
Extractor Spherimorph
Crawler Seymour
Anima Wendigo
Evrae Altana Evrae
Seymour: Natus Defender X
Biran Ronso Yenke Ronso
Seymour Flux Sanctuary Keeper
Spectral Keeper Yunalesca
Sin Core Sin
Seymour Omnis Braska's Final Aeon
Yu Yevon
Arena Area Conquest Monsters
Stratoavis Malboro Menace
Kottos Coeurlregina
Jormungand Cactuar King
Espada Abyss Worm
Chimerageist Don Tonberry
Catoblepas Abaddon
Omega Dungeon
Ultima Weapon Omega Weapon
Arena Species Conquest Monsters
Fenrir Ornitholestes
Pteryx Hornet
Vidatu One-Eye
Jumbo Flan Nega Elemental
Tanket Fafnir
Sleep Sprout Bomb King
Juggernaut Ironclad
Arena Original Monsters
Earth Eater Greater Sphere
Catastrophe Th'uban
Neslug Ultima Buster
Shinryu Nemesis
Dark Aeons and Penance
Dark Valefor Dark Ifrit
Dark Ixion Dark Shiva
Dark Bahamut Dark Yojimbo
Dark Anima Dark Cindy
Dark Sandy Dark Mindy


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