Key Items

This page contains all the Key items obtainable in the game Final Fantasy X (FF X, FF 10). This page lists all the items that are vital for the story and several sidequests.

List of Key Items

These items are obtained throughtout the story or by completing challenges. These items have important roles in the main story as well as during sidequests.

Al Bhed Primer I Teaches the letter "A" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer II Teaches the letter "B" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer III Teaches the letter "C" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer IV Teaches the letter "D" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer V Teaches the letter "E" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer VI Teaches the letter "F" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer VII Teaches the letter "G" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer VIII Teaches the letter "H" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer IX Teaches the letter "I" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer X Teaches th e letter "J" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XI Teaches the letter "K" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XII Teaches the letter "L" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XIII Teaches the letter "M" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XIV Teaches the letter "N" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XV Teaches the letter "O" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XVI Teaches the letter "P" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XVII Teaches the letter "Q" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XVIII Teaches the letter "R" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XIX Teaches the letter "S" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XX Teaches the letter "T" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XXI Teaches the letter "U" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XXII Teaches the letter "V" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XXIII Teaches the letter "W" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XXIV Teaches the letter "X" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XXV Teaches the letter "Y" in Al Bhed.
Al Bhed Primer XXVI Teaches the letter "Z" in Al Bhed.
Cloudy Mirror The surface is dark and clouded.
Celestial Mirror The surface is shiny and bright.
Withered Bouquet Someone put heart and soul into making this.
Flint Used to start fires.
Summoner's Soul Allows the aeons to learn abilities.
Aeon's Soul Allows you to raise aeons' attributes.
Jecht's Sphere A sphere recorded by Jecht ten years ago.
Rusty Sword An old, rusty sword.
Sun Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of the Sun.
Sun Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of the Sun.
Moon Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of the Moon.
Moon Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of the Moon.
Mars Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Mars.
Mars Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Mars.
Jupiter Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Jupiter.
Jupiter Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Jupiter.
Saturn Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of the Saturn.
Saturn Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of the Saturn.
Venus Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Venus.
Venus Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Venus.
Mercury Crest A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Mercury.
Mecury Sigil A Celestial Token, fashioned in the shape of Mercury.
Blossom Crown Seems to have some connection with a hidden aeon...
Flower Sceptre Seems to have some connection with a hidden aeon...
Mark of Conquest Proof that the player has bested the strongest arena monster Nemesis.

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