Monster Arena Guide Unlockable Monsters and Rewards

Final Fantasy X Monster Arena Side Quest

A page containing information about the Monster Arena Sidequest in the game Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF10). Read on to know more about the sidequest's rewards and unlockable bosses.

Monster Arena Objective

Capturing Fiends

FFX Capturing Enemies Fiends Monster Arena
To unlock monsters in the arena, you must first capture fiends all throughout Spira. A capture weapon is required and the killing blow to the enemies must be dealt with by the user equipping the capture weapon. Enemies can be captured by damaging abilities such as quick hit, dark strike, and mug. They cannot however, be defeated by magic.

Unlockable Fiends

FFX Unlockable Fiends
3 types of Fiends can be unlocked in the Monster Arena. Each fiend in each category can make Braska's Final Aeon look like a joke and proper preparation and leveling are required to best these enemies.

Monster Hunting Tips

2nd Slot

FFX Customizing for Monster Arena
Attaching a Deathstrike ability to an equipment with the capture ability.

The capture weapons provided in the arena comes with a second empty slot. Adding status ailments such as death strike or Stone touch can be effective and will still count as a capture. Adding utility abilities such as counter attack and first strike can also be helpful against the stronger fiends.

Hard to Find Monsters


Pray at the Qactuar Stones

Caqtuar Stones
There are Qactuar stones located in the thunderplains, you must read the book about qactuars in rin's travel agency to gain the option to pray at the stones. You will be able to pray to shining Qactuar stones. To make Qactuar stones shine, dodge or get hit by lightning.


Tonberries are extremely hard to find. They can be found in the deeper parts of the Cavern of the Stolen Fayth.

Master Tonberries

Same as Tonberries, these nasty critters are extremely hard to find. Our team found that Master Tonberries are more likely to appear on the 2nd part of the Omega Dungeon.

Ice Monsters of Macalania

There is a single category for the monsters of Macalania. Take note however, that Macalania has 2 parts, the forest and the Icy area. Make sure to capture enemies in the other area as well.


A slightly infamous hard to find bird. Simurgh can be found on the small patch of sunlight near the signpost separating Djose Highroad's path between the Moonflow and Djose Temple.

3 Unlockable Categories

Area Conquest

These monsters can be unlocked by capturing one fiend from each area. Only 1 fiend each are required to unlock the said monsters. Below are the list of Fiends for all the Area conquest, their location, and rewards.

Enemy Name Rewards Location
Stratoavis Stamina Tonic x99 Besaid
Malboro Menace Poison Fang x99 Kilika
Kottos Soul Spring x99 Mi'ihen Highroad
Coeurlregina Candle of Life x99 Mushroom Rock Road
Jormungand Petrify Grenade x99 Djose Highroad
Cactuar King Chocobo Wing x99 Thunder Plains
Espada Shining Gem x99 Macalania Woods
Abyss Worm Shadow Gem x99 Bikanel
Chimerageist Farplane Wind x60 The Calm Lands
Don Tonberry Silver Hourglass x40 Cavern of the Stolen Fayth
Catoblepas Blossom Crown Mount Gagazet
Abaddon Lunar Curtain x99 Sin
Vorban Designer Wallet x60 Omega Dungeon

Species Conquest

To unlock these monsters, you must capture enemies belonging of the same species (all wolves, all iron giants, etc.).

Enemy Name Rewards Enemy Type
Fenrir Chocobo Feather x99 Wolf
Ornitholestes Stamina Spring x99 Reptile
Pteryx Mega Phoenix x99 Bird
Hornet Mana Tonic x60 Wasp
Vidatu Mana Spring x99 Imp
One-Eye Stamina Tablet x60 Eye
Jumbo Flan Twin Stars x60 Flan
Nega Elemental Star Curtain x99 Element
Tanket Gold Hourglass x99 Helm
Fafnir Purifying Salt x99 Drake
Sleep Sprout Healing Spring x99 Fungi
Bomb King Turbo Ether x60 Bomb
Juggernaut Light Curtain x99 Ruminant
Ironclad Mana Tablet x60 Iron Giant


The original monsters have unique ways to be unlocked. They mostly revolve around unlocking monsters from the area and species conquest.

Enemy Name Rewards Requirement
Earth Eater Three Stars x60 2 Area Conquest Unlocked.
Greater Sphere Supreme Gem x60 2 Species Conquest Unlocked.
Catastrophe Door to Tomorrow x99 6 Area Conquest Unlocked.
Th'uban Gambler's Spirit x99 6 Species Conquest Unlocked.
Neslug Winning Formula x99 Capture atleast 1 of all fiends.
Ultima Buster Dark Matter x99 Capture atleast 5 of all fiends.
Shinryu Megalixir x30 Capture underwater fiends from Mount Gagazet.
Nemesis Master Sphere x10 Capture 10 of each fiend in the game.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of Subquests
Celestial Weapons Dark Aeons and Penance
Lightning Dodger Monster Arena
Omega Ruins Optional Aeons
Chocobo Training Remiem Temple
Butterfly Hunt Cactuar Village
Al Bhed Primers Airship Codes
Jecht Spheres Chocobo Race


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