Story Walkthrough: Mi'ihen Highroads (Chapter 5)

Final Fantasy X chapter 5 the highroad

This is the Story Walkthrough for Chapter 5 (Mi'ihen Highroad) of Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information about objectives, and bosses within this section.

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Chapter 5 Objectives

1 Follow the path upwards until you reach an inn.
Optional Before reaching the end of the lowroad, talk to the female around the area on the right for an Aeon battle.
2 After gaining control of Tidus. leave the shop.
3 Try to exit the inn to see Rin. Exit the shop and prepare for a boss battle.
Boss Chocobo Eater Boss FightBoss Fight Chocobo Eater
4 Follow the road upwards until you reach an area with a cargo blocking the road.
5 Try to pass through but the guards will stop you. Get back for a cutscene. Now you can pass through the gate. Head through it for another scene.
6 Head forward then left The path would be pretty linear from here. Use the symbol on the ground to move upwards or downwards.
optional FFX Luzzu and Gatta Backstory Before taking the elevator, head to the souther side of the topmost platform to find Luzzu and Gatta. Approach them for some backstory.
7 Use the elevator located on the end of the path then head downwards for a cutscene.
8 Head towards the encampment. prepare for a Boss Battle then talk to the soldier in the lower right and agree to him to proceed.
Boss Sinspawn Gui Boss FightBoss Fight Sinspawn Gui
9 Talk to Auron. Then follow the path upward.
End of Chapter 5

Shelinda's Healing

You can find Shelinda in the middle of the path of Mushroom Rock Road. Exhaust her dialogue until she offers healing for the whole party.

Luzzu and Gatta

FFX Luzzu and Gatta Backstory
Before riding the elevator. Head southwards and approach Luzzu and Gatta for some back story.

Chapter 5 Boss Fights

Boss Fight Chocobo Eater

Chocobo Eater Boss Fight
Chocobo eater have powerful attacks. The battle will also have a different win condition. For more information on how to beat Chocobo Eater, see the link below.
How to beat Chocobo Eater

Boss Fight Sinspawn Gui

Sinspawn Gui Boss Fight
Sinspawn Gui is a tough Boss, arms that block damage, a main body that hits hard, and a head that inflicts status effects. For information on how to bear Sinspawn Gui, see the link below.
How to beat Sinspawn: Gui

Chapter 5 Obtainable Key Items

Al Bhed Primer Vol. VIII

Al Bhed Primer VIII

The Al Bhed Primer will be automatically obtained from Rin before setting out to fight the Chocobo Eater.

Al Bhed Primer Vol. IX

Al Bhed Primer IX

The Al Bhed Primer IX is in the ground at the area before reaching the end of the Highroad.

Mars Crest

Mars Crest

The Mars Crest can be obtained at the end of the oldroad.

Al Bhed Primer Vol. X

Al Bhed Primer X

The Al Bhed Primer X is found in the floor after taking a right turn before reaching the elevator to the 2nd area.

Chapter 5 Obtainable Items

Obtainable Items List
Southern Highroad Items From NPCs Belgemine Seeker's Ring or Echo Ring
Lv.1 Key Sphere Mega Potion Heat Lance
Hi-Potion X2 Thunder Blade and Scout Fortune Sphere
Mushroom Rockroad Items From NPCs 1000 Gil Hi-Potion
Serene Armlet Serene Bracer Mega-Potion

Southern Highroad Items From NPCs

The following items can be obtained in Mi'ihen Highroad southern part.

Eyedrops X3 Hi-Potion
Hunter's Spear Antidote X2
Ice Brand Remedy
Red Ring Soft X3
Lv. 1 Key Sphere Antidote X4
2000 Gil 600 Gil
Hi-Potion -

Belgemine Seeker's Ring or Echo Ring

FFX Belgemine Aeon Battle Seeker
You will find a summoner named belgemine before exiting the southern part of the Highroad. Winning against Belgemine will give you a Seeker's Ring while losing will net you an echo ring.

Lv.1 Key Sphere

FFX Lv. 1 Key Sphere Obtained from Kid
A Lv. 1 Key Sphere will be given to you by a kid after the long cutscene.

Mega Potion

FFX Mega potion obtained from Rin

Before the Battle with Chocobo Eater, Rin will give you the Al Bhed Primer VIII and 2 Mega-potions.

Heat Lance

You must bring a chocobo to obtain this item. Look for a chocobo feather, interact with it while riding a chocobo to get the item.

Hi-Potion X2

FFX Hi-Potion X2
A Hi-Potion can be obtained in a treasure chest located in the end of the Highroad.

Thunder Blade and Scout

ffx thunder blade and scout  Chocobo jump

FFX Thunder Blade Chocobo jump FFX Chocobo Jump Scout

These items can be obtained in the oldroad and only while riding a chocobo. Head south east from the end of the Highroad to reach the lower area of the Highroad.

Fortune Sphere

FFX Fortune Sphere How to Get Mi
Fortune Sphere FFX Mi
Again, a chocobo is needed to obtain the fortune sphere using the yellow chocobo feather markers on the ground.

Mushroom Rockroad Items From NPCs

Potion X 10 Ether Hi-Potion
Phoenix Down x2 Hi-Potion Mega-Potion
Remedy X-Potion 400 Gil

There are several items that can be obtained from talking to NPCs in Mushroom rock road.

1000 Gil

1000 Gil can be obtained in one of the chests up north.


A Hi-Potion can be obtained after the left turn in the first area.

Serene Armlet

An equipment for Kimahri. It can be found by taking the elevator on the western side deeper into Mushroom Rockroad.

Serene Bracer

An equipment for Auron. The Serene Bracer can be found in a treasure chest in the command center during the operation.


A Mega-Potion can be found in the command center near Yuna during the operation.

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