Side Quest Cactuar Village Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X Cactuar Village Sidequest Walkthrough

This is the Side Quest Walkthrough for Cactuar Village in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information, objectives, tips, and guides within this section.

Sidequest Details

Location Bikanel Island
How to start Interact with the Cactuar Stone in the Sanubia Desert
Rewards Access to Cactuar Village and Mercury Sigil
Can be started on Obtaining the Airship

Sidequest Objectives

Side Quest Start Interact with the Cactuar Stone located in Sanubia Desert West.
Clue 1 Head to Bikanel Island Oasis to find the first Cactuar.
Clue 2 Head to Sanubia Desert East southward from the stone's location to find a cactuar playing on the eastern side of the map.
Clue 3 From the stone's location. Head northeastern and check the sign near the entrance to Sanuba Desert West
Clue 4 From where you found the 3rd Cactuar. Follow the path to the left to find 2 Cactuars.
Clue 5 Head to the tent in Sanubia Desert with a Savepoint. Use the savepoint and a Cactuar will appear.
Clue 6 Head to the Southwestern part of Sanubia Central Desert. A chest will be found on the edge of the map near the fence.
Clue 7 The Cactuar is found on one of the Sandragora hole in Sanubia Desert West (leave the area then comeback to make the Cactuar appear)
Clue 8 Head to the Oasis to find a Cactuar porting to the Airship. Go to the airship then head to the deck.
Clue 9 The Cactuar will appear when you insert the 9th Cactuar's Sphere on the stone.
Optional Get the Mercury Sigil in one of the chests in Cactuar Village.
End of Sidequest

What to do with the Sphere

Return the Spheres obtained in the Cactuar Stone to recieve the next clues.

Catching Cactuars

You have to throw pokeballs at them approach them when they look back. Whenever they face you, you must stop at your current location. Reaching them before the timer will initiate combat.

Detailed Guide

Tomay's gone to fetch some water

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (4).jpg
Head to the Oasis in Bikanel Island. The same place you started with after getting transported there from Macalania.

Rovivea's gone walkabout

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (10).jpg
Head to Sanubia Desert East (Just southward from the stone's location).

Little Chava likes big numbers

Located at Sanuba Desert West (Your Location). Head to the upper left area. Check the sign at the entrace to Sanuba Desert Central to find Chava hiding behind the signboard.

Alek and Aloja play in the Ruins of Men

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (20).jpg
From the sign where you found Chava. Take the path to the left, you will find the two brothers playing tag.

Vachella Seeks the Shining Blue

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (24).jpg
Head to the savepoint at the tent in Sanubia Desert East. Use the savepoint and Vachella will show herself.

O, Robeya's stuck inside

Head to the south western part of the Sanubia central desert. At the edge of the desert (near the fence) is an unopened treasure chest. Robeya is inside. The three items inside the chests when approaching Robeya contains the following:

  • Shadow Gem
  • Shining Gem
  • Blessed Gem

A fiery inscription - The lord of the hole is gone. Isrra thinks.

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (31).jpg
Leave the Sanubia Desert West then return. You will find Isrra in one of the Sandragora quicksands.

Much- curious Elio has left on a journey.

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (37).jpg
Head to the Oasis. You will see Elio teleporting to the airship. Ride the airship then head to the deck to find Elio.

Flaile is always behind

Cactuar Village Sidequest Cactuar Location FFX FF10 Final Fantasy Mercury Sigil  (40).jpg
Flaile will appear after you put Elio's Sphere in the stone.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of Subquests
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Lightning Dodger Monster Arena
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Chocobo Training Remiem Temple
Butterfly Hunt Cactuar Village
Al Bhed Primers Airship Codes
Jecht Spheres Chocobo Race


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