Story Walkthrough: Bevelle (Chapter 10)

Final Fantasy X Story Walkthrough Chapter 10 Bevelle

This is the Story Walkthrough for Chapter 10 (Bevelle) of Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information about objectives, obtainable items, and bosses within this section.

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Chapter Objective

1 Explore the ship then return back to the cockpit.
2 Talk to Brother then to Cid. After all the scenes, try to leave the cockpit.
3 Keep heading southward until you reach the area with a save point. Prepare for a boss battle then head towards the elevator.
Boss Evrae Boss Fight Farhenheit Cid Airship BevelleBoss fight Evrae
4 Push through the soldiers infront. After a series of battles, watch another cutscene.
5 After the scene, follow the path until you reach the Chamber of Fayth.
Take the Al Bhed Primer located in the hall before the Chamber.
6 Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials
7 Via Purifico
8 After gaining control of Tidus, Prepare for a Boss Battle.
You can buy items on the floating Chest
Boss Evrae Altana Phoenix Down Undead Via Purifico Open Gates Missable itemBoss fight Evrae Altana
Use a phoenix down against it.
9 Follow the path to exit the underwater area.
10 After the scene, follow the path and prepare for a boss battle.
Boss Seymour Natus Seymour Mortibody Seymour 2 Bevelle Boss fight Seymour Natus
11 Head south. Approach Yuna.
12 Head south then to the west to enter the Calm Lands.
End of Chapter 10

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

With several moving platforms that can distract you with sphere placements, this temple will be a tricky one to solve.For information on how to solve this trial, See the link below.
Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trial

Via Purifico

  1. Go to the right path and follow it until you find Kimahri.
  2. Head upwards until you see Auron and talk to him.
  3. Head left then down when you reach a T-intersection point. You will find Lulu, talk to her.
  4. Go back to Auron's previous area then proceed down the hall.
  5. Prepare for a series of Aeon Battles

Aeon Battle Grothia(Ifrit)

FFX Aeon Battle Via Purifico Grothia Ifrit
An easy series of battles. The fight will start with the enemy Ifrit's Overdrive gauge full. Summon Bahamut and shield when enemy Ifrit's turn is about to come. Keep launching normal attacks and the battle will end soon.

Aeon Battle Pterya(Valefor)

FFX Aeon Battle Via Purifico Pterya Valefor
Slightly more durable than Grothia. Summon Bahamut and Attack for a bit then use boost. Charge up your overdrive gauge and finish the fight with Megaflare.

Aeon Battle Spathi(Bahamut)

FFX Aeon Battle Via Purifico Spathi Bahamut
It only has 1 patter, Wait for 5 turns then cast megaflare. Summon Shiva then keep attacking it. Shield when Bahamut is about to use Mega Flare then use your Overdrive when its ready.

Chapter 10 Boss FIghts


Evrae Boss Fight Farhenheit Cid Airship Bevelle
Cid will be included in the CTB and will be helping the party out. Evrae has access to powerful physical attacks and a strong petrification/slow move. For more information about Evrae, see the link below.

How to Beat Evrae

Evrae Altana

Evrae Altana Phoenix Down Undead Via Purifico Open Gates Missable item
The guardian of Bevelle. Now an undead and can be damaged by healing spells and items. By using the cheese strategy, this won't even be a boss fight. For more info on how to beat Evrae Altana, see the link below.
How to beat Evrae Altana

Seymour Natus

Seymour Natus Seymour Mortibody Seymour 2 Bevelle
A boss battle that deals consistently high damage. He has low defense but will start to protect himself more the lower his HP gets. For more information about Seymour Natus, see the link below.
Seymour: Natus Tips and Guide

Chpter 10 Obtainable Key Items

Al Bhed Primer XXII

Al Bhed Primer XXII

The Al Bhed Primer XXII is found near the entrance of Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials. This Primer is a missable Item.

Jecht Sphere

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Chapter 10
This Jecht Sphere can be obtained in chapter 8 after defeating Spherimorph but Chapter 10 is the most optimal time to get it. It is found at the entrance area of Macalania Forest.

Chapter 10 Obtainable Items

HP Sphere Knight Lance Elixir
Wht Magic Sphere Mega-Potion Blk Magic Sphere
Skill Sphere Lucid Ring Rematch
Avenger - -

HP Sphere

FFX Obtainable Items Chapter 10 Bevelle HP Sphere
An HP sphere can be obtained in Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials.

Knight Lance

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Chapter 10 Bevelle Knight Lance
A Knight Lance can be obtained in Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials.


FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via PurificoElixir
Found in the same room with a broken glyph.

Wht Magic Sphere

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Wht Magic sphere
Located in a treasure chest in the same area Lulu is standing by.


FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Mega-Potion
Found in the same Room Kimahri is waiting.

Blk Magic Sphere

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Blk Magic Sphere
Located in the center room with the trigger to make the a teleportation platform change location.

Skill Sphere

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Skill Sphere
Located in the Locked room to the North East in Via Purifico. Can only be accessed by using the teleportation platform.

Lucid Ring

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Lucid Ring
Located in the Locked room to the North East in Via Purifico. Can only be accessed by using the teleportation platform.


FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Rematch
Can only be obtained if Special Action is not used againt Evrae Altana.


FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Via Purifico Avenger
Can only be obtained if Special Action is not used againt Evrae Altana.

Lucid Ring

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Lucid Ring Chapter 10 Bevelle
Obtained in the same area the party rested before heading to the Calm Lands.

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