Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials

Final Fantasy X Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials

Page with a guide on how to solve the Bevelle Cloister of Trials in Final Fantasy X (FF X, FF 10). This page contains all the steps necessary to solve the puzzle and the secret item in the puzzle.

Macalania temple Cloister of Trial Zanarkand temple Cloister of Trial

Bevelle Video Guide

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trial

Cloister of Trial Objective

1 Push the pedestal forward.
2 Move then stop at the 2nd glyph when it points to the left area
3 Take the Bevelle Sphere on the recess.
4 Get off the area then head to the area opposite to your current area then insert a Bevelle sphere in the recess there
5 Head back to the first glyph and take the path to the lower floor. (Not on the lowest floor.)
6 Head to the left path.Use the 2nd glyph to turn right and stop in the area then take the Glyph Sphere.
7 Push the pedestal back use the 3rd glyph to go to your next objective.
8 Insert the Bevelle Sphere in the recess then the Glyph Sphere on the 2nd recess.
9 Take the Destruction Sphere.
10 Insert the Destruction Sphere and the Bevelle Sphere used to open the path into the pedestal.
11 Head back to the 2nd area where you took the Glyph Sphere. Insert the Destruction Sphere in the recess.
12 Head to the lowest area and take the Macalania Sphere there and insert it in the pedestal.
13 Head back to the upper floor then use the first glyph on the floor to reach your next destination
14 Push the pedestal further to reach the new area.
15 Take the HP Sphere on the right side then take one Macalania Sphere and insert it in the recess.
16 Use the reset floor that appeared from the chest's location.Push the pedestal to the left and take the Knight's Lance.
End of Bevelle Temple

How to Maneuver Platform

Glyphs with arrows that change directions will be on the path. Pressing X while on the Glyph will change the path the platform is currently taking.

Detailed Guide

Push the Pedestal Forward

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X

Move then Stop at the Second Glyph when it Points to the Left Area

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

Take the Bevelle Sphere on the Recess

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Get off the Area then Head to the Area Opposite to your Current Area then Insert a Bevelle Sphere in the Recess There

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Head Back to the First Glyph and take the Path to the Lower Floor

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

Head to the Left Path

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution
Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Push the Pedestal Back then use the Third Glyph

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

Insert the Bevelle Sphere in the Recess then the Glyph Sphere on the Second Recess

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg
Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Take the Destruction Sphere

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Insert the Destruction Sphere and the Bevelle Sphere used to OPen the Path into the Pedestal

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution
Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

Head Back to the Second Area Where you Took the Glyph Sphere

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Head to the Lowest Area and take the Macalania Sphere

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

Head Back to the Upper FLoor then use the First Glyph

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials Puzzle Solution

Push the Pedestal Further

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Take the HP Sphere then Insert One Macalania Sphere into the Empty Recess in the Center of the Area

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Use the Reset Floor That Appeared and Push it to the Left

Bevelle Temple Cloister of Trials FFX FF10 Final fantasy 10 Final Fantasy X.jpg

Related Pages

Cloister of Trials

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Djose Temple Macalania Temple
Bevelle Temple Zanarkand Ruins


4 Anonymous11 months

"Macalenia sphere" should be called "Bevelle sphere"


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