Story Walkthrough: Sin (Chapter 13)

Final Fantasy X Chapter 13 Inside Sin

This is the Story Walkthrough for Chapter 13 (Sin) of Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information about objectives, and bosses within this section.

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Chapter Objective

1 Exit the room and keep heading down.Look and talk to Yuna.
2 Head back to the cockpit.
3 Talk to Cid then choose list and select the Highbridge from the choices.
4 When presented with a choice, say "I think so" then "Defeat Yu Yevon".
5 Prepare for battle. Talk to Cid and select List. Choose Sin from the choices.
6 Exit the area then head to the elevator.
Boss Sin Core Boss Fight Tips Guides Tricks Hints and WalkthroughBoss Battle Sin fins and core
7 Head out of the room and head to the deck. Talk to Yuna
8 Head to the deck again for another boss battle
Boss Sin Boss FightBoss Battle Sin.
9 Head down and you will be in an area with an incomplete minimap. Follow the symbols on the ground and use them as checkpoints to traverse the area.
10 Once you reach an area with stairs going upward, save your game and prepare for a boss battle.
Boss Seymour Omnis Boss FightBoss Battle Seymour Omnis
11 Head up the stairs into the maze. There will be several interactable glyphs here that will lead to items. Keep goind inward until you see an area with rising platforms.
12 Head left when you reach that area unto the small bridge. The bridge will slide down leading you to a different path and go towards it.
13 Mini game where if you reach small spheres you obtain an item and when you get hit by the crystals, there will be an enemy encounter. Prepare for the Final Boss.
Boss BraskaBoss Battle Braska's Final Aeon.
End of Final Fantasy X

Chapter 13 Boss Fights

Boss Battle Sin fins and core

Sin Core Boss Fight Tips Guides Tricks Hints and Walkthrough

A series of Battle. Each battle presents its own strategies and difficulties. For more information about Sin, see the link below.
Sin (Core) Tips and Guide

Boss Battle Sin

Sin Boss Fight
Time Attack mode! The Battle ends in a game over when Sin unleashes its Overdrive attack Giga-Graviton. For more information about Sin See the link below.
Sin Tips and Guide

Boss Battle Seymour Omnis

Seymour Omnis Boss Fight

Your Final Battle with Seymour. Seymour will have 4 Discs behind him with 4 colors on each disc. Each color represents an element and which element that points on him is what spell Seymour will use on the team. For more information on Seymour Omnis, see the link below.

How to beat Seymour Omnis

Boss Battle Braska's Final Aeon

The true final boss. Use everything you have in preparation for this battle as this will be the last. For more information about Braska's Final Aeon, see the link below.

How to beat Braska's Final Aeon

Chapter 13 Obtainable Items

Special Sphere

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin Sea Special Sphere
A Special Sphere can be found above the slippery area after taking a left turn from the first and second glyph. You have to circle around the area to reach the upper area to obtain the item.

Phantom Ring

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin Sea Phantom Ring
Found near the Glyph around the left side of the area of Sin's Sea. It is hidden from plain sight so keep your eyes peeled on the minimap.

Wizard Lance

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin Sea Wizard Lance
Found in the slippery area in the center of Sin's Sea.. Try to head to the upper area then circle around to the right side to reach the treasure chest.

Lv. 3 Key Sphere

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin Sea Lv. 3 Key Sphere
A Lv. 3 Key Sphere is found in the right side area of Sin's Sea.


Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin Sea Elixir
Found on the upper left side of Sin Sea.

Defending Bracer

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin City Defending Bracer
Obtained inside Sin City, push the thin wall after with the light blue platform on its foot.

20000 Gil

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin City 20000 Gil
Found in the hole at the center of the first open area you find inside Sin-City.

HP Sphere

Found in the upper area of Sin-City. Use the violet platform in the hole at the first open area to propell yourself up.

Four on One

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Sin City Four - on - one
Use the light blue colored platform to transport yourself to the treasure chest just after entering Sin-City.

Defense Sphere

Final Fantasy X FFX Obtainable Items Sin City Defense Sphere
Located near the platform at the first open area that brings you to the ground floor of Sin-City.


Touch the Glyph at the left side from the first open area in Sin-City to reveal the treasure chest.


FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Sin City Laevatein
Head to the deepest area then take the right turn. Keep heading down to find the treasure chest. You can also use the slide in the area with sudden rising floors.

Lv. 4 Key Sphere

FFX Final Fantasy X Obtainable Items Sin City Lv. 4 Key Sphere
Obtained by killing enough fiends to unlock the glyph door near the entrance of Sin-City.

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