Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Gerudo Tower Region: Korok Seed Map, Shrines, and Quests

This page is a map of the Gerudo Tower Region in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW). Here you can find all Korok Seed locations in the Gerudo Tower Region, as well as quests, shrines, and other locations.

Gerudo Tower Region Korok Seed Map

Map of All Gerudo Tower Korok Seeds

Gerudo Korok Seed Map

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How to Get All Gerudo Koroks

Total No. Korok in Region Solution & Video Link
484 Korok 1 Chained Ball
Use Magnesis to lift the metal ball and place it in the well.
485 Korok 2 Metal Block
Use Magnesis to pick up the block and place it on the missing spot on the leftmost block pattern to match the rightmost block pattern.
486 Korok 3 Rock Pattern
Lift the rock hidden between three elevated platforms and place it in the northern stone circle.
487 Korok 4 Metal Block
Use Magnesis to pick up the block and place it on the missing spot on the leftmost block pattern to match the rightmost block pattern.
488 Korok 5 Timed Ring
Step on the stump and glide towards the dash ring below the area. Glide until you are above the ring and drop down to reach it before the time runs out.
489 Korok 6 Rock Pattern
The rock circle consists of three sets of rocks in between. Pick up the large rock and place it on the northern side of the rock circle to complete the pattern.
490 Korok 7 Rock
Lift up the rock on top of the mountain to reveal the Korok.
491 Korok 8 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock on the higher cliff west of the rock circle. Bring the rock down on the empty spot of the rock circle to complete the pattern. Wear a Cold Resistance Level 2 armor in this area to prevent from freezing.
492 Korok 9 Pinwheel Balloon
Walk near the pinwheel to spawn three balloons in the sky. Use a bow and arrow to shoot the balloons to reveal the Korok.
493 Korok 10 Ice Sparkles
Use a fire weapon to melt the ice chunk near the cliff edge to spawn stationary sparkles. Examine the sparkles to reveal the Korok.
494 Korok 11 Peak Sparkles
Climb the pine tree and examine the sparkles on top to reveal the Korok.
495 Korok 12 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock in the middle of the rightmost stone circle and place it in between the leftmost and middlemost stone circles.
496 Korok 13 Metal Block
Use Magnesis to pick up the block and place it in the missing spot of the leftmost block pattern to match the rightmost block pattern.
497 Korok 14 Ice Sparkles
Use a fire weapon to melt the ice chunk near the cliff edge to spawn stationary sparkles. Examine the sparkles to reveal the Korok.
498 Korok 15 Rock Pattern
Lift the rock east of the stone circle and walk along the narrow path. Place the rock on the empty spot of the stone circle to reveal the Korok.
499 Korok 16 Chained Ball
Pick up the snowball and place it on the hole north of it to reveal the Korok.
500 Korok 17 Pinwheel Balloon
Stand next to the pinwheel and use a bow and arrow to shoot the three balloons. You can use a Bomb Arrow and wait for the balloons to move close to each other to pop all of them in one hit.
501 Korok 18 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock north of the stone circle in between the cliff wall. Place the rock on the empty spot on the stone circle to reveal the Korok.
502 Korok 19 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock near the shrubs and place it on the empty spot of the stone circle to reveal the Korok.
503 Korok 20 Fruit Offering
Place four Mighty Bananas on the bowls to reveal the Korok.
504 Korok 21 Metal Block
Climb up the tall rock formation to reach the block. Use Magnesis to pick it up and place it near the area with the block patterns. Place the block on the empty spot to match the block pattern north of it to reveal the Korok.
505 Korok 22 Moving Sparkles
Chase after the sparkles and examine it to reveal the Korok.
506 Korok 23 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock on the lower ledge and climb up the top of the hill and place the rock on the empty spot to reveal the Korok.
507 Korok 24 Rock
Pick up the rock to reveal the Korok
508 Korok 25 Timed Ring
Step on the stump and glide towards the updraft to reach the cliff where the dash ring is located.
509 Korok 26 Ice Sparkles
Use a fire weapon to melt the ice chunk near the cliff edge to spawn stationary sparkles. Examine the sparkles to reveal the Korok.
510 Korok 27 Follow the Flowers
Follow the flower as it teleports up to the tall cliff. If you do not have enough stamina to climb the cliff, you can bomb the geyser south of the starting point to help you reach the upper part of the cliff without losing much of the stamina.
511 Korok 28 Metal Block
Find the block west of the block pattern puzzle. Defeat the Bokoblins and use Magnesis to bring the block near the puzzle location. Place the block on the empty spot to match the rightmost block pattern.
512 Korok 29 Timed Ring
Step on the stump and glide towards the updraft to reach the dash ring.
513 Korok 30 Rock Pit
Push the boulder on the smaller cliff on the right side. Drop down on the area and push the boulder uphill. If you cannot push the boulder uphill, you can use Stasis and hit it once to push it towards the hole.
514 Korok 31 Timed Ring
Step on the stump and climb up the cliff north of it to reach the dash ring.
515 Korok 32 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock north of the stone circle. Throw the rock on the elevated platform where the stone circle is and place it on the empty spot to reveal the Korok.
516 Korok 33 Rock Pattern
Pick up the rock from the leftmost rock pattern and place it on the northern side of the rightmost rock pattern so that both patterns match.
517 Korok 34 Rock
Lift the rock on the scaffolding to reveal the Korok.

Korok Seeds Map and All Korok Seed Locations

Shrines in Woodland Tower Region

Woodland Tower Region Shrines

Woodland Region Shrine Map

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Shrine Number Shrine Overview
1 Mirro Shaz Shrine Trial: Tempered Power
Location: Woodland Stable, Woodland Region
・Iron Sledgehammer
・ Iron Sledgehammer
・ Giant Ancient Core
2 Keo Ruug Shrine Trial: Fateful Stars
Location: Korok Forest, Woodland Region
・Knight's Claymore
3 Kuhn Sidajj Shrine Trial: Kuhn Sidajj's Blessing
Requirements: Start The Hero's Sword and The Korok Trials
Shrine Quest: Trial of Second Sight
Location: Lake Saria, Woodland Region
・Giant Ancient Core
4 Daag Chokah Shrine Trial: Daag Chokah's Blessing
Requirements: Start The Hero's Sword and The Korok Trials
Shrine Quest: The Lost Pilgrimage
Location: Korok Forest, Woodland Region
・Ancient Core
5 Maag Halan Shrine Trial: Maag Halan's Blessing
Requirements: Start The Hero's Sword and The Korok Trials
Shrine Quest: The Test of Wood
Location: Mido Swamp, Woodland Region
・Giant Ancient Core
6 Ketoh Wawai Shrine Trial: Ketoh Wawai's Blessing
Shrine Quest: Shrouded Shrine
Location: Typhlo Ruins, Woodland Region
・Ancient Core
7 Monya Toma Shrine Trial: Drawing Parabolas
Location: Salari Hills, Woodland Region
8 Rona Kachta Shrine Trial: Rona Kachta's Blessing
Location: Forgotten Temple, Woodland Region
・Great Flameblade
Back to All Shrines by Tower Region

Shrines Map and All Shrine Locations

Shrines in Gerudo Tower Region

Gerudo Tower Region Shrines

Gerudo Region Shrine Map

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Shrine Number Shrine Overview
1 Sasa Kai Shrine Trial: A Modest Test of Strength
Shrine Quest: Sign of the Shadow
Location: Birida Lookout, Gerudo Region
2 Sho Dantu Shrine Trial: Two Bombs
Location: Karusa Valley, Gerudo Region
・Silver Rupee
3 Joloo Nah Shrine Trial: Joloo Nah Apparatus
Shrine Quest: Test of Will
Location: Mount Nabooru, Gerudo Region
・Golden Claymore
・ Gerudo Spear
4 Kuh Takkar Shrine Trial: Melting Ice Hazard
Location: Laparoh Mesa, Gerudo Region
5 Keeha Yoog Shrine Trial: Keeha Yoog's Blessing
Shrine Quest: Cliffside Etchings
Location: Gerudo Summit, Gerudo Region
6 Kema Kosassa Shrine Trial: A Major Test of Strength
Location: Risoka Snowfield, Gerudo Region
・Silver Rupee
Back to All Shrines by Tower Region

Shrines Map and All Shrine Locations

Quests in Gerudo Tower Region

Main Quests

No quests to display in this region.

Side Quests

No quests to display in this region.

Shrine Quests

Quest Type Quest Giver & Location
Cliffside Etchings Shrine Quest Geggle
Tabantha Bridge Stable
Sign of the Shadow Shrine Quest Kass
Gerudo Tower
Test of Will Shrine Quest Bayge
Mount Nabooru

DLC Quests

No quests to display in this region.

All Locations in Gerudo Tower Region

Zirco Mesa Vatorsa Snowfield Taafei Hill Statue of the Eight Heroine
Sapphia's Table Rutimala Hill Risoka Snowfield Nephra Hill
Mystathi's Shelf Mount Nabooru Mount Agaat Meadela's Mantle
Laparoh Mesa Hemaar's Descent Gerudo Summit Cliffs of Ruvara
Birida Lookout

Zelda: BotW Related Guides

BotW - Maps

Maps and Locations

Points of Interest

All Maps and Locations
Shrines Stables
Great Fairy Fountains Korok Seeds

Tower Regions

All Tower Regions
Tower Map and All Tower Locations
Dueling Peaks
Great Plateau


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