Infinity Nikki

How to Get Astral Feather

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Astral Feather is a Crafting Material obtained from the Astral Swan in Infinity Nikki. See the Astral Swan's location, how to get an Astral Feather, and how to use them here.

Astral Swan Location

Stellar Fishing Grounds Peak in the Abandoned District

You can always find the Astral Swan by the pond at the Stellar Fishing Grounds Peak near its Warp Spire in the Abandoned District. It will appear in its designated location once you have completed the Soaring Above the Starry Sky World Quest.

You can only get one Astral Feather per day from the Swan, so be sure to check in daily if you are in need of this material!

Soaring Above the Starry Sky Quest Guide

Astral Swan Bug Fix

Infinity Nikki Stay on the Astral Swan

There is a known bug encountered during the Soaring Above the Starry Sky World Quest where players are knocked off mid-flight with the Astral Swan. To prevent this, make sure not to press any buttons on your keyboard or controller to ensure smooth flight pathing for the cutscene.

How to Get Astral Feather

Obtained by Grooming the Astral Swan

Infinity Nikki Groom the Astral Swan

Astral Feather can only be obtained by grooming the Astral Swan in the Abandoned District after completing the Soaring Above the Starry Sky World Quest.

Afterwards, you may return to its location daily and groom its feathers with the Bye-Bye Dust Ability Outfit to obtain its material drop. Materials respawn at 4 AM during each daily reset, so you can get this material every day.

Abandoned District Map Guide

How to Use Astral Feather

Used for Crafting Outfits and Clothing Pieces

This item is used to craft the following outfits and clothing pieces.

Outfits That Use This Item

Outfit List
Starlit CelebrationStarlit Celebration

List of All Outfits

Clothing Pieces That Use This Item

Clothing Pieces List
GalaxyGalaxy's Desire Radiant AspirationsRadiant Aspirations

List of All Clothing Pieces

Astral Feather Overview

Infinity Nikki - Astral Feather Astral Feather
Crafting Material
Acquired From
A feather collected while grooming the legendary creature Astral Swan in Stonewoods. The dreamlike blue of the waters at the Stellar Fishing Ground makes the garments as enchanting as a starry dream.

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1 Anonymous3 months

This literally doesn't say anything about where to get it beyond what the game does. Why is there a whole article that doesn't have any information or answer the question of it's title?


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