Infinity Nikki

How to Get Whisker Fish

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Whisker-Fish is a Crafting Material obtained from Fishes in Infinity Nikki. See Whisker-Fish locations and how to use Whisker-Fish here.

Whisker Fish Location

Obtained by Fishing

Whisker Fish is mainly obtained by fishing at fishing spots in the overworld. You can fish once you get the Rippling Serenity Ability Outfit.

Materials respawn at 4 AM during each daily reset, so you can get this material every day.

Item Locations
Breezy Meadow

How to Fish

Whisker Fish Location in Breezy Meadow

Whisker Fish is a fish exclusive to the waters of Breezy Meadow.

You can find one near the fishing spot southeast of The Leisureely Anglers Florawish Branch Warp Spire.

Breezy Meadow Map and 100% Exploration Guide

Can Be Farmed in Dig, Pear-Pal

Dig, Pearl-Pal

Whisker Fish can be requested and collected in Dig, Pear-Pal, which is the game's passive material farming feature.

You can request for Pear-Pals to dig for this item from four to twenty hours, with the longer times yielding more materials.

Purchase from Resonance Store

Resonance Store
Whisker Fish can be purchased from the Resonance exchange shop in the in-game store. Do note that some items in the Resonance shop have monthly limits.

Resonance Store Cost Monthly Limit
Tranquility Droplet Store 8 Tranquility Droplet 10

How to Use Whisker Fish

Used for Crafting Outfits and Clothing Pieces

This item is used to craft the following outfits and clothing pieces.

Outfits That Use This Item

Outfit List
A Beautiful DayA Beautiful Day Wishful AurosaWishful Aurosa

List of All Outfits

Clothing Pieces That Use This Item

Clothing Pieces List
Golden ButterflyGolden Butterfly Immersive StudyImmersive Study Silverweaving StarSilverweaving Star
Sunlit WaveSunlit Wave

List of All Clothing Pieces

Whisker Fish Overview

Infinity Nikki - Whisker Fish Whisker Fish
Crafting Material
Acquired From
A medium-sized fish unique to Breezy Meadow. Its long, silvery whiskers hold the secret to a fabric's enhanced flexibility.

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1 Barbs2 months

I found this fish in 1 other location! :D SO I'm playing it in spanish, therefor I'm not sure of the english name of the places, but if you go top south, into the Abandoned Fanatic Wisher Camp, you keep on going to the east, there's a lake, in the middle of the lake, there's a small island, and THERE it's a second Whisker Fish! :D


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