Infinity Nikki

How to Get Grasspom

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Grasspom is a Crafting Material obtained from Plants in Infinity Nikki. See Grasspom locations and how to use Grasspom here.

Grasspom Location

Collect from Overworld

Grasspom can be found in the following areas in the overworld. Simply approach the gathering node and collect the item to get it.

Materials respawn at 4 AM during each daily reset, so you can get this material every day.

Item Locations
Breezy Meadow Florawish Memorial Mountains

Interactive Map and 100% Exploration Guides

All Grasspom Locations in Breezy Meadow

Map Location Overworld Location

Grasspoms are an uncommon overworld loot found in three major areas: Breezy Meadow, Florawish, and Memorial Mountains, with Breezy Meadow having the highest abundance. The map above displays all Grasspom locations in Breezy Meadow, identified using Precise Tracking.

Grasspoms can be harvested from Grasspom Bushes, which are typically found on the ground and yield multiple Grasspoms per bush.

Breezy Meadow Map and 100% Exploration Guide

Can Be Farmed in Dig, Pear-Pal

Dig, Pearl-Pal

Grasspom can be requested and collected in Dig, Pear-Pal, which is the game's passive material farming feature.

You can request for Pear-Pals to dig for this item from four to twenty hours, with the longer times yielding more materials.

Purchase from Shop NPCs

You can purchase Grasspom at the following shops.

Shop Details Map Location
Shop: Matilda's Botanical Home
Location: Florawish
Price: BlingBling x800
Limit: 10

List of All Shops

Purchase from Resonance Store

Resonance Store
Grasspom can be purchased from the Resonance exchange shop in the in-game store. Do note that some items in the Resonance shop have monthly limits.

Resonance Store Cost Monthly Limit
Tranquility Droplet Store 8 Tranquility Droplet 10

How to Use Grasspom

Used for Crafting Outfits and Clothing Pieces

This item is used to craft the following outfits and clothing pieces.

Outfits That Use This Item

Outfit List
A Beautiful DayA Beautiful Day Far and AwayFar and Away

List of All Outfits

Clothing Pieces That Use This Item

Clothing Pieces List
Morning GreetingsMorning Greetings Soft FeathersSoft Feathers Starlit NightStarlit Night
TravelerTraveler's Shoes

List of All Clothing Pieces

Grasspom Overview

Infinity Nikki - Grasspom Grasspom
Crafting Material
Acquired From
A kind of fruit that grows on Wishfield's Pom-Pom Grass, commonly found in the grasslands of Wishfield, is used by the Blossom Beetles to create Florapoms. After processing, it also enhances the softness of fabrics.

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