Infinity Nikki

How to Get Longstocking Wool Essence

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Longstocking Wool Essence is a Crafting Material obtained from Animals in Infinity Nikki. See Longstocking Wool Essence locations and how to use Longstocking Wool Essence here.

Longstocking Wool Essence Location

Obtained by Grooming Longstocking

Grooming Animals
Longstocking Wool Essence is mainly obtained from grooming Longstocking in the overworld. Once you get the Bye-Bye Dust Ability Outfit, you'll be able to sneak up behind creatures, groom them, and get a material.

Materials respawn at 4 AM during each daily reset, so you can get this material every day.

Longstocking Locations

Item Locations
Abandoned District Breezy Meadow Wishing Woods

Get Essence with Ability Upgrade

You can get this Essence, along with its base item, if you have unlocked the ability node which upgrades the skill needed to get this material in your Heart of Infinity skill tree.

You need Essence to unlock nodes in the skill tree, which you can get by gathering the respective material types.
How to Get Essence

Track Materials with Map

The locations of certain crafting materials can be shown on the map with the use of the collection tracker in the in-game map, which can be accessed with the notebook icon on the lower left side of the map screen.

Once you collected a specific number of a material, you will be able to unlock the Precise Tracking feature for the item, which displays the specific location of the item in the map instead of a highlighted area.
How to Track Materials

Longstocking Location in Breezy Meadow

You can find Longstockings grazing the field west of the Bug Catcher's Cabin teleport point in Breezy Meadows.

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How to Use Longstocking Wool Essence

Used for Crafting Outfits and Clothing Pieces

This item is used to craft the following outfits and clothing pieces.

Outfits That Use This Item

Outfit List
Hometown BreezeHometown Breeze

List of All Outfits

Clothing Pieces That Use This Item

Clothing Pieces List
Breezy CottonBreezy Cotton Shaky BranchShaky Branch Spinning MoodSpinning Mood

List of All Clothing Pieces

Longstocking Wool Essence Overview

Infinity Nikki - Longstocking Wool Essence Longstocking Wool Essence
Crafting Material
Acquired From
An Essence imbued with overflowing Whim from grooming Longstocking, with the distinctive traits of Longstocking Wool remaining intact.

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