Infinity Nikki

Home on the Rails Quest Guide

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Infinity Nikki - Home on the Rails

Home on the Rails is a World Quest located in Abandoned District of the Heartcraft Kingdom region in Infinity Nikki 1.0. See how to unlock this quest, Tippy's quiz answers, how to repair and ride the Choo-Choo Train, and all its rewards here in this guide!

Home on the Rails Quest Location

Go to Abandoned District

Home on the Rails is located at Abandoned District, in the region of Heartcraft Kingdom. Teleport to the Choo-Choo Train Old Station Warp Spire and walk west toward the station. Speak with a Piecey named Blooming Flora to initiate the quest.

All Warp Spire Locations

How to Unlock Home on the Rails

Complete the Prerequisites

Quest Unlock Requirements
Infinity Nikki- Home on the Rails
Infinity Nikki - Ghost Train Ghost Train

Complete the Main Quest Ghost Train first to unlock Home on the Rails!

Ghost Train Quest Guide

Home on the Rails Walkthrough

Find Parts at the Repair Station

Infinity Nikki Find Parts at the Repair Station

After speaking to Flora, teleport to the Choo-Choo Station Repair Station Warp Spire and approach the cabin next to the stationed trains.

Investigate the Cabin and Get the Parts

Questions Answers
Where was Flora's injury last time? Back
Who hurt Flora? Giovanni
Flora has two admirers. Who are they? Velvy and Raggy

When you interact with the cabin door, a Piecey named Tippy will stop you and quiz you about Flora to verify your connection to her. The correct answers to the questions are Back, Giovanni, and Velvy and Raggy, in that order.

Don’t worry if you answer incorrectly, as Tippy will let you retry each question until you get it right before moving on. After answering all questions correctly, he will hand over the spare train parts and send you on your way!

Give the Parts to Flora

Infinity Nikki Give the Parts to Flora

Teleport back to the Choo-Choo Train Old Station Warp Spire and hand over the spare train parts to Flora. She will get to work repairing the train afterward, and ask you to find the train's driver: Ol' Fannypacky.

Tell Ol' Fannypacky About the Situation at the Shipping Center

Infinity Nikki Tell Ol

Use the Choo-Choo Train Shipping Center Warp Spire and jump on top of a parked train car to find Ol' Fannypacky and Boldly-Going Nana. She explains that Ol' Fannypacky passed out after he tried a new detergent mix from Nana.

To attempt to wake him up, Nana asks you to gather 3 Flight Fruits and 2 Wisteriasols to create a special detergent capable of refreshing Pieceys.

Deliver the Materials to Nana

Infinity Nikki Deliver the Materials to Nana

If you already have the required materials in your inventory when Nana asks you for it, you may immediately approach her and hand the materials over. Otherwise, you will have to gather them first.

Nana will craft the concoction afterward and use it to wake up Ol' Fannypacky. The old Piecey wakes up, though he is still visibly disoriented. To help him snap out of his daze, Nana suggests using Nikki's Purifying Orb.

Collect Flight Fruits and Wisteriasols

If you do not have the required amount of Flight Fruits and Wisteriasols yet, you may open the Map and select the Collections icon at the bottom left corner of the screen. Afteraward, select either the Flight Fruit or Wisteriasol to Track their location and collect as many as you need.

Use the Purifying Orbs to Clean Ol' Fannypacky

Infinity Nikki Use the Purifying Orbs to Clean Ol

Follow the Pieceys southeast, right beside a sunken train car on the shore. Once there, use your Purification ability to shoot a Purification Orb at Ol' Fannypacky.

Shoot him with another Purification Orb after the first attempt to fully wake him, and trigger a cutscene where Ol' Fannypacky is ushered back to the Choo-Choo Train Station!

Head to the Platform and Look for Flora

Infinity Nikki Head to the Platform and Look for Flora

Teleport back to the Choo-Choo Train Old Station Warp Spire and walk over to Flora. After speaking with her, Nikki will be gifted a Choo-Choo Whistle hat as a token of gratitude, and proof that she and Momo can ride the Choo-Choo Train for free forever.

Take the Water Train

Infinity Nikki Take the Water Train

Upon Flora's invitation, enter the Choo-Choo Train and watch a cutscene which features Nikki and Momo taking in the sights while riding the newly repaired train!

Ride the Choo-Choo Train

Teleport to the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform

You might encounter a daily task that requires you to Ride the Choo-Choo Train. In that case, you can always come back to it via the Choo-Choo Station Old Platform Warp Spire after completing the Home on the Rails World Quest and walk inside the first train cart to complete the daily task!

Log Out and Re-Login the Game if the Train is Not Present

If the Choo-Choo Train does not appear to be parked at the Choo-Choo Station Stonetree, try logging out of the game (without closing the application), and re-login to check if the train reappears. Repeat this method until the train appears in its station!

Home on the Rails Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Total Quest Rewards

Special Rewards

Home on the Rails Special Rewards
Choo-Choo Whistle Icon Choo-Choo Whistle

You can also get the Choo-Choo Whistle hat by completing this quest!

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World Quests Partial

List of All World Quests

Other Abandoned District World Quests

All World Quests in Abandoned District
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Repair the Windrider Mill Skypass Soaring Above the Starry Sky (Abandoned District) Sunset and Best Friend


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