Side Quest Remiem Temple Belgemine Battle Tips and Walkthrough

Final Fantasy X Belgemine Side Quest Remiem Temple
This is the Side Quest Walkthrough for Remiem Belgemine Battle in Final Fantasy X (FFX, FF 10). Read on for more information, objectives, tips, and guides within this section.

Remiem Temple

Get a Chocobo

Chocobo Trainer

The Remiem Temple can be accessed by borrowing a chocobo from the chocobo trainer.


Belgemine at Remiem Temple

Belgemine Easy Battle Remiem Temple Side Quest Blossom Crown Moon Sigil Magus Sisters
Belgemine is found inside the Remiem Temple. She can be challenged to an Aeon Battle for several rewards. The most notable rewards are the Flower Scepter and the Moon Sigil..

Belgemine's Aeons

In order to recieve the Moon Sigil, you must defeat all summonable Aeons belgemine has. However, she will only use Aeons that you have already obtained. To complete this mission, you must obtain all the Optional Aeons first as well as the Blossom Crown from the Monster Arena.

Sidequest Rewards

Occasional Encounters

These are the rewards you can obtain from Belgemine when you encounter her during your pilgrimage.

Rewards Belgemine
Mi'ihen Highroads win Armor with HP +10% and Silence Ward
lose Armor with HP +10% and Blank Slot
Moonflow win 2 Dragon Scales and Summoner's Soul
lose 6 Smoke Bombs and Summoner's Soul
The Calm Lands win 30 Power Spheres and Aeon's Soul
lose 30 Speed Spheres and Aeon's Soul

Remiem Temple Rewards

The rewards obtainable from Belgemine once you battle her in Remiem Temple.

Remiem Temple Rewards
1st Win Following Wins
Valefor Lightning Gem (4), Summoner's Soul (if not obtained yet), Aeon's Soul (if not obtained yet) Power Sphere (4)
Ifrit X potion (30),Aeon's Soul (if not obtained yet) Mana Sphere (5)
Ixion Chocobo Feather (10) Power Sphere (8)
Shiva Mega-Potion(60) Star Curtain (6)
Bahamut Flower Scepter Mana Sphere (8)
Yojimbo Shadow Gem (8) Power Sphere (10)
Anima Stamina Spring (60) Mana Sphere (10)
Magus Sisters Shining Gem (40) Power Sphere (12)

After defeating all Aeons. The option to send Belgemine will become available. Sending Belgemine will earn you the Moon Sigil.

Final Fantasy X Related Links

List of Subquests
Celestial Weapons Dark Aeons and Penance
Lightning Dodger Monster Arena
Omega Ruins Optional Aeons
Chocobo Training Remiem Temple
Butterfly Hunt Cactuar Village
Al Bhed Primers Airship Codes
Jecht Spheres Chocobo Race


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