Battlefield 2042

M93R Weapon Info and Stats

The M93R is a Pistol weapon from Battlefield Bad Company 2 and Battlefield 3 available in the Battlefield Portal. Read on to learn more about the firepower, accuracy, range, and handling of this weapon, as well as the available attachments and their respective effects.

M93R Stats

M93R Overview

Battlefield Bad Company 2 Version

M93R Weapon Info and Stats
Battlefield 2042 - M93R Weapon Info
Semi-auto pistol firing a three round burst of 9mm lead from a 20 round magazine.
Class Rate of Fire Mag Size Zoom
Pistol 900 20 1x
Firepower Accuracy Range Handling
20 32 34 68
Featured in:
Battlefield Bad Company 2

Battlefield 3 Version

M93R Weapon Info and Stats
Battlefield 2042 - M93R Weapon Info
Semi-auto pistol firing a three round burst of 9mm lead from a 20 round magazine.
Class Rate of Fire Mag Size Zoom
Pistol 900 20 1x
Firepower Accuracy Range Handling
20 32 34 68
Featured in:
Battlefield 3

Battlefield 2042 Related Guides

Battlefield 2042 - Weapons Partial Banner.png

List of All Weapons

Battlefield 2042 Weapon Classes

All Weapons
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Battlefield 2042 - SMG Weapons.pngSMGs Battlefield 2042 - LMG Weapons.pngLMGs Battlefield 2042 - Utility Weapons.pngUtility
Battlefield 2042 - Secondary Weapons.pngSecondary

Battlefield Portal Weapons

Battlefield Portal Weapons
Battlefield 2042 - Battlefield 1942 Weapons.pngBattlefield 1942 Battlefield 2042 - Battlefield Bad Company 2 Weapons.pngBattlefield Bad Company 2 Battlefield 2042 - Battlefield 3 Weapons.pngBattlefield 3

All Pistol Weapons

MP443MP443 M1911M1911 MP412 RexMP412 Rex
M93RM93R Tracer Dart GunTracer Dart Gun


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