Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

The Spring of Wisdom Walkthrough

Breath of the Wild (BotW) The Spring of Wisdom Shrine Quest

This is a guide to the Shrine Quest, The Spring of Wisdom, in Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. Here you can find the quest walkthrough, where to start The Spring of Wisdom and all quest rewards.

How to Start The Spring of Wisdom

The Spring of Wisdom Location

Quest Giver Medda
Location Hateno Village
Region Hateno

The Spring of Wisdom Walkthrough

Guide Overview

Talk to Medda

Objectives Guide
Talk to Medda
Go to Hateno Village and look for Medda. You'll find him tending to the garden behind his house (next to Ventest Clothing Boutique).

Interact with him to start the Shrine Quest.

Head to Mount Lanayru

Head to Mount Lanayru
If you have enough stamina, you can scale the mountain all the way to its peak.

For newer players, we recommend following the path from Kakariko Village, through Lanayru Promenade, and along Lanayru Road.
Find the Spring of Wisdom
Climb Mount Lanayru and you'll find the Spring of Wisdom at the very top.

Free Naydra from Malice

Shoot at Eyes of Malice
Shoot an arrow at the eyeball on Naydra's face.

Naydra will then take flight and fly around Mount Lanyru.
Follow Naydra
Naydra will create an updraft that will allow you to float with your paraglider.

Once in the air, enter bullet time and aim for the eyeballs on Naydra's body.

Follow Naydra around with your paraglider to get better angles of the eyeballs.

Head Back to the Goddess Statue

Head back to Goddess Statue
A cutscene will play after you successfully shoot all eyeballs. .
7 BotW - Spring of Wisdom - Offer Naydra
Offer Naydra's Scale
After the cutscene, get *Naydra's Scale from shooting an arrow at its body.

Take the scale and drop it into the water to unlock the shrine.

*To retrieve a scale, you must shoot at any part of its body except its face, horn, and claws.

Shooting at its horn and claw will result to a different material drop.

The Spring of Wisdom Quest Rewards

BotW - Jitan Sa
Clearing this quest will unlock the Jitan Sa'mi Shrine.

Adventure Log Entries

BotW - Spring of Wisdom - Talk to Medda
This is a full list of the Adventure Log entries for The Spring of Wisdom.

Entry Entry Text
Quest Start Medda, a resident of Hateno Village, told you that there is a Spring of Wisdom somewhere on Mount Lanayru, which towers to the north of the village. The story goes that long ago, a princess used that spring for a purification ceremony.

Moreover, there are rumors of a fantastics treasure hidden in the spring.
Quest Clear When you tossed Naydra's scale into the Spring of Wisdom, an ancient shrine appeared.
Freed of the shackles of evil, Naydra flew away in peace.

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