Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW)

Katah Chuki Shrine Walkthrough: Location and Puzzle Solution

Katah Chuki Shrine Walkthrough Location and Puzzle Solution

Katah Chuki Shrine in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (BotW) is located southwest of Hyrule Castle in the Quarry Ruins. Read on to learn more about Katah Chuki Shrine's location, rewards, treasure chests locations, walkthrough, as well as tips and tricks on how to complete it.

Katah Chuki Shrine Location

Southwest of Hyrule Castle

Map Image Overworld Image

Katah Chuki Shrine is located southwest of Hyrule Castle at the Quarry Ruins in the Central Hyrule region.

The Central Hyrule region is crawling with guardians so make sure you're well-equipped before going to the area.

All Shrine Locations

Katah Chuki Shrine Rewards

Shrine Rewards

Katah Chuki Shrine Rewards
Royal Halberd IconRoyal Halberd Spirit Orb

Guardian Drops

Katah Chuki Guardian Drops
Guardian Spear IconGuardian Spear

Katah Chuki Shrine Walkthrough


Shrine Solution
Proceed to the arena where you will be pitted against a Guardian Scout II.
Defeating the guardian will reward you with its weapons along with Ancient Materials. It will also open the gate to the altar room where a chest with a Royal Halberd is waiting for you.
3 After getting the Royal Halberd from the chest, examine the altar to receive a Spirit Orb.

Katah Chuki Shrine Tips and Tricks

★ How to Defeat the Guardian in Katah Chuki Shrine ★

Use the Pillars to Block Its Spinning Attack

Destroyed pillar

One of the guardian's first attacks that you should look out for is its spinning attack. First, it will jump back and from its position, then it will start spinning and charge at you. Use the pillars to block the attack before letting in a few hits while the guardian is staggered.

Parry Its Spinning Attack

Alternatively, you can parry its spinning attack. It takes some practice though and blocking its attack can quickly lower the durability of your shield. It's best to use a Guardian-type Shield against it as it has higher resistance to attacks from Guardians.

How to Parry (Perfect Guard)

Glide During the Spinning Laser Attack


After the guardian's health drops to about 50%, it will start spinning around while firing a laser. Use the updraft it creates to glide in the air and safely approach the guardian. You can use whatever weapon you have in your arsenal to land a hit on it and stagger it.

Dodge the Lasers and Close In On the Guardian

Charged beam

Once you have whittled the guardian's health down to critical level, it will start charging for several consecutive beams. Dodge these beams while trying to get close to the guardian then quickly attack it while it's recharging. Get back when it's close to firing more beams. Repeat this process until it is defeated.

Katah Chuki Shrine Treasure Chests Location

Treasure Chest Location

Katah Chuki Treasure Chest Location
This chest is right in front of the altar. Defeat the guardian in this shrine to access the altar room along with its chest containing a Royal Halberd.

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