Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Ozwell E. Spencer - Skills and Strategy

This page contains information on Ozwell E. Spencer in the game Resident Evil Resistance. Read on to learn information about Ozwell and his background.

Ozwell E. Spencer

Mastermind - Spencer.png

Name Ozwell E. Spencer
Bioweapon D. Field
Class Mastermind

Ozwell E. Spencer is one of the founders of Umbrella and was the heir to the prestigious Spencer family fortune. Ozwell E. Spencer uses the Umbrella technology to create more chaos and prevent the survivors from escaping.

Ozwell's Skills

Ultimate Skill

Ultimate Skill
Bioweapon Icon.png Disintegration Field
Place an energy field in your desired location. Survivors trying to pass through will take major damage.

Skill Variants

AOE Icon.pngGenerator Decreases Disintegration Field cooldown every time a skill card is used.
Instant Icon.pngClone Spawns 2 Disintegration Fields. Also extends duration by 2 times.
Special Icon.pngRefract Spawns Disintegration Field in a set direction. Max 8 fields, (space permitting). Fields last for an extremely short duration.

Passive Skills

Passive Skills
Umbrella Tech.png Umbrella Tech
Spencer carries out his experiments using mysterious high-tech equipment.
Bioactivation.png Bioactivation
Spencer tweaks experiment conditions to his advantage.

Umbrella Tech Skill Variants

Defensive Icon.pngDefense System Decoy puzzle pieces appear in Area 1, Security Device deativation time is increased in Area 2, and Bio Core HP is increased in Area 3.
AOE Icon.pngDeadbolt Door locks are immediately Lv. 3 when locked using the E.I.S. or traps. Also lowers all E.I.S. cooldowns by 1 second when a skill card is used.
Special Icon.pngMod Efficiency Reduces mod card costs by 3. Also spawns an Electromagnetic Shield for 1 seconds when a mod card is used.

Bioactivation Skill Variants

Special Icon.pngRecharge Recharges Bio Energy when the E.I.S. is used to interact with the environment.
AOE Icon.pngSymbiosis After using a skill card, temporarily lowers the cost of skill cards that are of a different type by 1.
Currently UnavailableBattery Increases Bio energy cap by 10. Each mod card in hand will also speed up Bio Energy recharge.

Related Links

Survivor - Samuel.pngSamuel Jordan Survivor - January.pngJanuary Van Sant Survivor - Valerie.pngValerie Harmon
Survivor - Tyrone.pngTyrone Henry Survivor - Becca.pngBecca Woolett Survivor - Sandwich.pngMartin Sandwich
Jill Portrait.pngJill Valentine Mastermind - Daniel.pngDaniel Fabron Mastermind - Annette.pngAnnette Birkin
Mastermind - Alex.pngAlex Wesker Mastermind - Spencer.pngOzwell E. Spencer Mastermind - Nicholai.pngNicholai Ginovaef

Survivors and Masterminds


70 Anonymousover 4 years

They don't want strategies. they all want brute force. that's why their brains are just muscles lol.

69 Anonymousover 4 years

Well, people want to control monsters. They don't want some lame laser.


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