Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

How to Unlock Minimalist

Minimalist Cover

This page contains information on how to unlock the Minimalist record in the game Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn what actions you need to do in order to unlock the Minimalist in the easiest way.

Basic Information

Complete the game without opening the item box.

All Records Guide

How to Unlock Minimalist

Minimalist Tips
Checkmark.pngPlay on Assisted Difficulty
Checkmark.pngDo Not Pick Up Unnecessary Items
Checkmark.pngGet All Hip Pouches
Checkmark.pngMaster Perfect Dodging

Play on Assisted Difficulty

Assisted Mode.jpg

When attempting to complete this record, the easiest way to complete it is to play on the Assisted difficulty. Playing on the Assisted difficulty with give you 4 extra inventory slots at the start of the game as well as giving you an Assault Rifle with a decent amount of ammo.

Playing in this difficulty will also give you more ammo when you craft them from Gunpowder and Explosives. To see the different Gunpowder Combinations check out our guide below.

Gunpowder Combinations

Do Not Pick Up Unnecessary Items

Inventory Management.jpg

When attempting to complete this record, it is very important to manage your inventory since you cannot use the Item Box to manage your inventory. The only weapons that you need are the G19 Handgun with all custom parts except for the Moderator, the free Assault Rifle given to you at the start of the game, and the Grenade Launcher that you get at the Sewers.

Important Items to Have
Knife Use this to finish off enemies on the ground.
Handgun Use this to kill normal zombies, Ne-α Parasites, or Drain Deimos.
Assault Rifle Use this to kill Hunter-β, Hunter-γ, Pale Heads, and Lickers.
Grenade Launcher Use this to clear multiple enemies or against Nemesis.
Recovery Items First Aid Spray x2
G+R Mixed Herb x1
Ammunition Handgun Ammo x60
Assault Rifle Ammo x200
Flame Rounds x6
Acid Rounds x6
Explosive Rounds x6
Mine Rounds x6

It is also important to not pick up all the ammo and gunpowder you see to leave some space for the key items in the game. It is recommended to only keep 1 full stack of ammo for each weapon in your inventory.

For the recovery items, it will depend on how confident you are with your own skills. We recommend to only keep 1 First Aid Spray or 1 G+R Mixed Herb in your inventory incase of emergencies where you need to heal.

Get All Hip Pouches

If you are already familiar with the locations of all the available Hip Pouches in the game, it is recommended to get all of the Hip Pouches to make managing your inventory easier.

Master Perfect Dodging

Critical Hit

Mastering the Perfect Dodge or the Carlos Punch is very important if you want to complete this record. Mastering this skill can save you a lot of ammo by evading a zombie in the way or killing them much faster and easier.
How to do a Perfect Dodge

Related Links

Before Playing

Controls and Techniques Character Models
Recommended Difficulty How Long Does It Take to Beat RE3
Reviews -

Controls and Techniques

Basic Controls How to Dodge
How to Aim Quick Turn
Tips for Critical Hits Tips for Headshots

Guides & Walkthroughs

How to Cure Parasite Status Safe Codes and Locker Combinations
Item Combination List How to Combine Items
Unlockable Content How to Farm Points Fast
List of Puzzles How to Unlock Minimalist

Other Tips & Guides

Pre-order Bonuses New Features
Mr. Charlie Doll Locations All Shop Weapons and Items
Differences Between Normal and Z Versions List of Trailers
How to Unlock Nightmare and Inferno Mode How Difficult are Nightmare and Inferno Mode?

Beginner Guides


9 Anonymousabout 4 years

You can’t get all the pouches without wasting a slot for the shotgun stock. Unless there’s something I don’t know or forgot.

8 Anonymousover 4 years

No cause you need to open the box to get it. Doi lol


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