Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

January Van Sant - Skills and Strategy

This is the character page for January Van Sant from the game Resident Evil Resistance. Read on to learn more about January, her background, and her skills!

January Van Sant Basic Information


Name January Van Sant
Occupation Hacker
Age 21
Class Hacker

January Van Sant is an expert hacker investigating the truth about the Umbrella Corporation and the Raccoon Police Department. During her investigation she suddenly disappeared before she could share her findings.

January's Skills

Fever Skill

Fever Skill
January - 1.jpg EMP
Jan uses an EMP to impair all cameras, obstructing the Mastermind's actions.

Skill Variants

Defensive Icon.pngInterference Greatly increases the Mastermind's skill cost by 15 seconds.
Base cooldown: 180 seconds
AOE Icon.pngCamera Lockdown The Mastermind is unable to move their camera's for 15 seconds.
Base cooldown: 180 seconds
Special Icon.pngE.I.S. Lockdown Disables Mastermind E.I.S. for 15 seconds.
Base cooldown: 120 seconds

Personal Skill

Personal Skill
January - 2.jpg Overload
Jan disables cameras using a signal jammer to interrupt the Mastermind's actions.

Skill Variants

Instant Icon.pngInstant Disables targeted cameras immediately after a brief startup.
Base cooldown: 60 seconds
Special Icon.pngLockdown Deals massive damage to targeted cameras each second the button is held down. Maximum 15 seconds.
Base cooldown: 30 seconds
Defensive Icon.pngMalware Plants a virus that immediately disables targeted cameras when the Mastermind uses a skill.
Base cooldown: 60 seconds

Passive Skills

Passive Skills
January - 3.jpg Disruptor Rounds
Jan can use electrified Disruptor Rounds to deal major damage to cameras.
January - 4.jpg Cyber Monday
Jan can hack the Armory to manipulate its stock and prices.

Disruptor Rounds Skill Variants

Instant Icon.pngHigh Caliber Greatly increases the damage Jan deals to cameras.
AOE Icon.pngEnergy Disruption Dealing damage to active cameras pauses Mastermind Bio Energy recharge for 1 second.
Special Icon.pngAnti-Armament Greatly increases damage dealt to cameras with active firearm attachments.

Cyber Monday Skill Variants

AOE Icon.pngBargain Bin Lowers the price of all non-firearms in the Armory for Jan.
Combat Icon.pngArsenal Causes Armories to sell random special weapons to Jan.
Defensive Icon.pngPharmacy Makes all recovery items available in the Armory.

January Strategy Guide

How to play - january.jpg
Try to control the Mastermind by utilizing your skills on the cameras in the area to increase the survivability of your team with Overload and Disruptor. Focus on picking up Umbrella Credits as they are most useful when January is the one purchasing the items because of her passive skill Cyber Monday.

At the beginning of every stage, you can spend your Umbrella Credits on ammo and discard them so teammates can pick them up. Use EMP when nearing the end of each stage to prevent the Mastermind from giving you a harder time.

Tips When Using January

Always watch the cameras

January's skills make her the best in controlling the actions of the Mastermind. Combining her skills Overload and Disruptor Rounds with both alternate Skill Variants equipped can fully negate the recharging of the Mastermind's Bio energy.

You will shop for the others

Since her skill Cyber Monday reduces the price of non-firearms in the store, it becomes your job in a well-coordinated team to buy all the ammo and herbs they need so they can spend their money on stronger weapons and the core items that they need.

Recommended Skill Variants

The recommended skill variants you should equip should rotate around January's ability to control the Mastermind's actions by disrupting the cameras.

Below are the skill variants you should equip to maximize January's potential:

Defensive Icon.pngFever Skill: Interference Greatly increases the Mastermind's skill cost for 15 seconds.
Defensive Icon.pngPersonal Skill: Malware Plants a virus that immediately disables targeted cameras when the Mastermind uses a skill.
Instant Icon.pngPassive Skill 1: High Caliber Greatly increases the damage Jan deals to cameras.
Combat Icon.pngPassive Skill 2: Arsenal Causes Armories to sell random special weapons to Jan.

Recommended Equipment

The recommended equipment you should have revolves around January's passive Cyber Monday skill where she can buy a lot from the shop.

Below is the equipment you should have to make January a strong support:

Bulletproof Vest I-III Increases maximum HP depending on which level is equipped.
Wallet I-III Start with an amount of Umbrella Credits depending on which level is equipped.
Hiking Bag Increases your inventory space by two slots.
Army Boots Slightly increases movement speed.

Related Links

Survivor - Samuel.pngSamuel Jordan Survivor - January.pngJanuary Van Sant Survivor - Valerie.pngValerie Harmon
Survivor - Tyrone.pngTyrone Henry Survivor - Becca.pngBecca Woolett Survivor - Sandwich.pngMartin Sandwich
Jill Portrait.pngJill Valentine Mastermind - Daniel.pngDaniel Fabron Mastermind - Annette.pngAnnette Birkin
Mastermind - Alex.pngAlex Wesker Mastermind - Spencer.pngOzwell E. Spencer Mastermind - Nicholai.pngNicholai Ginovaef

Survivors and Masterminds


87 Anonymousover 4 years

Buff Jans personal skill time. it takes to long to diable cameras. especially now against expanded mag Nik. with pullout gear. what if Januarys lockdown kept the mastermind in that camera while jan targets it. total of 15 sec or something. please make it so other can get points for taking put cameras. small points to help everyone target them.

86 Anonymousover 4 years

Do Jan players have a problem with Masterminds getting rid of the virus [malware] too quickly? Or do they see it as effective? I just had some ideas to possibly make it better. 1. Reduce base cooldown from 60 seconds to 40 seconds. 2. Reduce Virus noticablility on MMs camera. 3. Change the malware to shuffle the MMs Hand. 4. Cause MMs to select 2 cards to "discard" meaning use bio energy but cant apply the cards. 5. 1 random card is infected for x period of time and cant be used.


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