Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Hand Grenades - How to Get and Use

This page will show you how to get Hand Grenades in Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn more about and how to use them!

Hand Grenade - Basic Information

Basic Information

Hand Grenade image
Description A hand grenade that disperses lethal metal fragments and destroys its surroundings on detonation.

Where to Find Hand Grenades

Hand Grenades are Found in Locked Storage or Rooms

There are hand grenades the player can find scattered throughout the game. They are usually locked in storage or in rooms that the player must open with an item.

How to Use Hand Grenades

Using Hand Grenades on Nemesis

Grenades can do heavy damage to Nemesis. Throwing a grenade at him will deal damage to him and any other zombies nearby. It is best to use them when Nemesis is in his vulnerable state to make sure they hit.

Using Hand Grenades on Enemies

Hand grenades can do massive damage in an area, kiling zombies instantly. Good for clearing out herds of zombies.

Related Links

List of Guns
G19 Handgun M3 Shotgun
CQBR Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher
.44 AE Lightning Hawk G18 Handgun (Burst Model)
Samurai Edge RAI-DEN
List of Sub Weapons
Knife Hand Grenades
Flash Grenade HOT DOGGER
List of Infinite Ammo Weapons
Infinite MUP Handgun Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle
Infinite Rocket Launcher -

List of All Weapons


12 Anonymousalmost 5 years

did you mean the real life logic and game logic?

11 Anonymousalmost 5 years

another idiot here who didn't get the meaning of what I've said.


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