Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Nightmare Mode Speedrun

Nightmare Mode.jpg
This page is a guide on how to finish Nightmare Mode in under 2 hours on the game Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn the tips and tricks you can use to clear nightmare mode easily.

Nightmare Mode Speedrun Guide

Opening to Subway Station

Police Station to Nest 2

Nest 2 to Ending

Nightmare Records and Rewards


Record Title
Condition: Complete the game on "Nightmare ".
Concept Art | Game mode Shop Points
Escape | Inferno Mode 3000pts
Record Title
S.T.A.R.S. Material
Condition: Complete the game with an S rank on "Nighmare" or higher.
Model Shop Points
Jill and Carlos 1 8000pts
Record Title
Sensational Work!
Condition: Complete the game with an S rank or higher.
Concept Art Shop Points
Jill 1200pts
Condition: Complete the game in under 2 hours of play time.
Model Shop Points
Stage 1 Nemesis 7000pts

Speedrunning Tips

Recommended Speedrunning Tips
Checkmark.pngLearn the locations of Key Items and Puzzle solutions.
Checkmark.pngUse the Options Button for pausing the game.
Checkmark.pngLocation of Herbs and First Aids.
Checkmark.pngAvoid fights and learn the dodge timing.
Checkmark.pngUse items from the Bonus Shop.

Flow of the Game

How to get S rank - Memorize.jpg
Memorize the flow of the game. Memorizing the locations of Key Items, how to solve puzzles and where the enemy will spawn can greatly help you save a lot of time during your speed run.
List of Puzzles and Solutions

Pausing the Game

How to get Rank S - Pause.jpg
Pausing the game can be helpful when you are trying to remember where have to go or when taking a break during the run. This can help you save more time when attempting to clear the game in under 2 hours.

Item Locations

Random Item.jpg
Playing on this difficulty changes the locations of some of the items that you will find in the game. This can affect the way you approach the game. Be sure to memorize the new locations of items, especially herbs and first aids that might be needed in case of an emergency during a run.

Avoiding Enemies

Critical Hit
Enemies that you will encounter on this difficulty will be a lot stronger than the previous difficulty, it is suggested that you avoid enemies whenever possible to save more time.
How to do a Perfect Dodge

Unlimited Ammo and Coins

How to get S rank - Shop.jpg
Use weapons from the shop with unlimited ammo, this way you won't have to waste your time picking up ammo as you progress the game. Also, some items in the Shop can help you clear the game faster by not having to pick up Key Items to unlock some doors to progress the story.

Recommended Items Price
Infinitne Rocket Launcher 62400P
Hip Pouch 4800P
Lock Pick 2800P
Bolt Cutter 2800P
Iron Defense Coin 4000P
Recovery Coin 4000P
Assault Coin 4000P
S.T.A.R.S. Field Combat Manual 6400P

How to Get Infinite Ammo

Related Links

List of Challenge Runs
Hardcore Mode Nightmare Mode
Inferno Mode Knife Only Run
No Infinite Ammo -

Challenge Runs Guide


3 Anonymousalmost 5 years

lol this is called a CHALLENGE why even do it on assisted mode where there will be ne challenge at all

2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Try doing it on assisted mode that will be easy as abc!


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