Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

List of Characters in Resistance

Characters - Banner.png
This page contains information on all of the available characters in Resident Evil Resistance. Read on to learn more about the background and abilities of each Survivor and Mastermind.

List of Characters


Survivor - Samuel.pngSamuel Jordan Survivor - January.pngJanuary Van Sant Survivor - Valerie.pngValerie Harmon
Survivor - Tyrone.pngTyrone Henry Survivor - Becca.pngBecca Woolett Survivor - Sandwich.pngMartin Sandwich
Jill Portrait.pngJill Valentine - -


Mastermind - Daniel.pngDaniel Fabron Mastermind - Annette.pngAnnette Birkin Mastermind - Alex.pngAlex Wesker
Mastermind - Spencer.pngOzwell E. Spencer Mastermind - Nicholai.pngNicholai Ginovaef -

Related Links


Survivors and Masterminds Resistance Beginner Guides Items
Weapons Map Skill Card List
Resistance Update Information - -

Resident Evil Resistance Top Page


23 Anonymousabout 4 years

Super buff annette might need a slight nerf. Like type tyme said recently. Survivors have too much resources and can possibly get tons of ammo. Some ideas are below. 1. make certain guns take up 2 inventory spaces things like flame thrwr machine gun & maybe even shotguns. could help w/ inventory mngemnt. 2. make some Survivors unable 2 use certain wpns or give those wpns more recoil when used by certain survivors. this would encourage tmwrk & ensure not evry1 has a shotgun.

22 Anonymousabout 4 years

It seems like some of our recommendations are making it in game with some tweaks which is awesome. But I hope that developers are taking th time to try out the changes before pushing them out. perhaps they could create Test Servers where we can try out new changes. Or they can continue on with what they do. seems like every month we get a change or if something is super unbalanced.


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