Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Nicholai Ginovaef - Skills and Strategy

This page contains information on Nicholai Ginovaef in the game Resident Evil Resistance. Read on to learn information about Nicholai and his background.

Nicholai Ginovaef

Mastermind - Nicholai.png

Name Nicholai Ginovaef
Bioweapon Nemesis
Class Mastermind

Nicholai Ginovaef's incentive for participating in these experiments is strictly monetary. His experience as a mercenary has forged him into a skilled marksman and shrewd opportunist. Even if the Survivors manage to escape from his arsenal, they will soon be hunted down by the ever-persistent Nemesis.

Nicholai's Skills

Ultimate Skill

Ultimate Skill
Bioweapon Icon.png Bioweapon: Nemesis
Take control of the Nemesis bioweapon and hunt down Survivors.

Skill Variants

Instant Icon.pngRelentless Shortens Nemesis cooldown when Survivors are tracked or defeated (stacks).
AOE Icon.pngS.T.A.R.S. Automatically tracks all Survivors when controlling Nemesis. Also shortens Accelerate cooldown.
Combat Icon.pngExtermination Using Exterminate renders Nemesis invincible and greatly increases damage dealt.

Passive Skills

Passive Skills
Predator.png Predator
Nicholai's superb tracking skills leaves Survivors with nowhere to hide.
Firearms Specialist.png Firearms Specialist
Nicholai's mercenary background increases his efficiency with firearms.

Predator Skill Variants

Combat Icon.pngTracking Rounds Survivors become trackable when hit by firearms.
Recovery Icon.pngBlood Trail Automatically tracks Survivors with less than 75% health.
Anti-Toxin Icon.pngInfection Detection Automatically tracks infected Survivors.

Firearms Specialist Skill Variants

AOE Icon.pngFirearm Efficiency Decreases the cost of firearm-related cards by 1.
Combat Icon.pngMag Expansion Increases firearm Ammo and duration.
Anti-Toxin Icon.pngBioterrorism Makes all firearms infectious.

Related Links

Survivor - Samuel.pngSamuel Jordan Survivor - January.pngJanuary Van Sant Survivor - Valerie.pngValerie Harmon
Survivor - Tyrone.pngTyrone Henry Survivor - Becca.pngBecca Woolett Survivor - Sandwich.pngMartin Sandwich
Jill Portrait.pngJill Valentine Mastermind - Daniel.pngDaniel Fabron Mastermind - Annette.pngAnnette Birkin
Mastermind - Alex.pngAlex Wesker Mastermind - Spencer.pngOzwell E. Spencer Mastermind - Nicholai.pngNicholai Ginovaef

Survivors and Masterminds


1 Anonymousover 4 years

Nicolai s expanded mag/modified gear needs to be nerfed. there is little time to counter with any sort of team. even running January you don't have time to disable a camera while a mastermind is using it. the instant. perhaps using lockdown. but even with mq11 its hard to disable a camera in time. how about destroying any camera gives you 2 to 5 seconds. encourage players to shoot cameras


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