Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

How to Farm Points Fast

This page will tell you how to farm points quickly in Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn the best way to earn points and quickly finish records.

Earning Points

Earning Points.jpg
To start, you can only earn points by completing records. These points can later be used in the Shop on the Main Menu to purchase useful items and weapons that make the story mode easier. Keep in mind that earning points or finishing records is not required to complete the game. However, weapons like the Infinite Rocket Launcher and the Infinite Assault Rifle can only be unlocked by using points.

Completing a record not only rewards you with additional points, they will also reward you with concept art or models that can be viewed in the Bonuses section.

Tips for Finishing Records

Finishing Records.jpg

Play on Assisted Mode

Playing on Assisted Mode will make killing zombies a breeze. They die much faster and you will take less damage from their attacks. This mode also gives you more ammo to kill zombies when combining Gunpowder.

Saving Before Combat

Save your game before entering a room full of enemies so you can reload the game and do it all over again! This will continue to contribute to your overall kill count.

Earning Points Effeciently

Assault Rifle and Handgun Kills

Assault Rifle and Handgun Rewards
Defeat 80 enemies with a handgun. 1,200P
Defeat 200 enemies with a handgun. 5,200P
Defeat 200 enemies with an assault rifle. 3,400P
Defeat 400 enemies with an assault rifle. 8,400P
Defeat 400 enemies. 5,200P
Defeat 800 enemies. 8,200P
Defeat 1100 enemies. 10,400P
Defeat 1400 enemies. 10,600P
Defeat 2000 enemies. 11,000P
Total 63,600P

★ Defend Jill - Hospital
Defending Jill at the hospital is the quickest way to complete Assault Rifle and Handgun kills. You will be playing as Carlos during this scenario so you will not be able to use any other weapons. Your Assault Rifle and Handgun will have a lot of ammo, though, because of the crates found in the lobby. An infinite wave of zombies will continue to spawn and try to open the door so you can get a lot of kills here.

1 Save the game after giving Jill the Vaccine.
2 Go out and pick up all the ammo in the Lobby.
3 Kill as many zombies as you can until you trigger a cutscene.
4 Do not plant the C4.
5 Kill as many zombies as you can until you run out of ammo.
6 Reload the game and repeat step 1.

Magnum, Shotgun, and Grenade Launcher Kills

Assault Rifle and Handgun Rewards
Defeat 100 enemies with a shotgun. 3,200P
Defeat 130 enemies with a shotgun. 6,200P
Defeat 80 enemies with a grenade launcher. 6,200P
Defeat 120 enemies with a grenade launcher. 10,400P
Defeat 20 enemies with a MAG. 6,600P
Defeat 80 enemies with a MAG. 10,400P
Total 43,000P

★ Get the Vaccine - Nest 2
This is the perfect time to farm kills with your other weapons since you will have them all, complete with attachments. You should have a lot of ammo for all of your weapons by the time you get to this location which will make the farm a lot easier.

1 Get the Flash Drive on the 2nd Floor.
2 Lure the two zombies near the stairs.
3 Unlock the door using the Flash Drive but do not go in yet.
4 Go back to the Storage and prepare your weapons before saving your game.
5 Kill the zombies on the stairs then head to the unlocked door.
6 Kill all the enemies in this room before proceeding to the room on the right.
7 Head down stairs and kill the zombie before unlocking the next door.
8 Use the elevator to go to the Incubation Lab and kill all of the zombies.
9 Reload the game and repeat step 1.

List of Easy to Complete Records

Records Automatically Completed in the Story

Record Name Requirement
First Escape
Points Earned: 80P
Escape from Jill's apartment building.
Somebody to Lean On
Points Earned: 100P
Escape from uptown Raccoon City.
Nemesis Down?
Points Earned: 120P
Defeat Nemesis on the rooftop.
Escape from the City
Points Earned: 120P
Make it out of downtown Raccoon City.
The Carlos Express
Points Earned: 120P
Leave R.P.D.
I Don't Feel so Good
Points Earned: 140P
Leave the clock tower plaza.
I Need a Hero
Points Earned: 160P
Withstand the zombie siege.
The Pursuer
Points Earned: 180P
Follow Nicholai deeper underground.
Nemesis Down!?
Points Earned: 260P
Defeat Stage 2 Nemesis.
Nemesis Down!!!
Points Earned: 800P
Defeat Stage 3 Nemesis.
Total 2,080P

Records Available in the Story

Record Name Requirement
Basic Chemistry
Points Earned: 160P
Craft an item.
Points Earned: 150P
Improve a weapon.
Get Organized
Points Earned: 150P
Expand your inventory.
Master of Sidestepping
Points Earned: 200P
Execute a Perfect Dodge.
The Carlos Takedown
Points Earned: 200P
Successfully execute Carlos' punch ability.
Hello, Charlie!
Points Earned: 200P
Destroy a Charlie Doll.
Total 1,060P

Records Depending on Difficulty

Record Name Requirement
Points Earned: 800P
Complete the game on "Assisted" or higher.
Points Earned: 1,000P
Complete the game on "Standard" or higher.
Points Earned: 1,200P
Complete the game on "Hardcore" or higher.
R.P.D. Material
Points Earned: 3,800P
Complete the game with an S rank on "Standard" or higher.
U.B.C.S. Material
Points Earned: 6,200P
Complete the game with S rank on "Hardcore" or higher.
Amazing Work!
Points Earned: 840P
Complete the game with an A rank or higher.
Sensational Work!
Points Earned: 1,200P
Complete the game with an S rank.
Points Earned: 7,000P
Complete the game without opening the item box.
I Might Need These Later!
Points Earned: 7,000P
Complete the game using 1 or fewer recovery items.
Points Earned: 7,000P
Complete the game in under 2 hours of play time.
Total 36,040P

Related Links

Before Playing

Controls and Techniques Character Models
Recommended Difficulty How Long Does It Take to Beat RE3
Reviews -

Controls and Techniques

Basic Controls How to Dodge
How to Aim Quick Turn
Tips for Critical Hits Tips for Headshots

Guides & Walkthroughs

How to Cure Parasite Status Safe Codes and Locker Combinations
Item Combination List How to Combine Items
Unlockable Content How to Farm Points Fast
List of Puzzles How to Unlock Minimalist

Other Tips & Guides

Pre-order Bonuses New Features
Mr. Charlie Doll Locations All Shop Weapons and Items
Differences Between Normal and Z Versions List of Trailers
How to Unlock Nightmare and Inferno Mode How Difficult are Nightmare and Inferno Mode?

Beginner Guides


14 Anonymousabout 3 years

its easy yeah but they meant not easy as in it will take a bit of time, ie be a can blast out the ones that carlos can do fairly quick but the rest you have to do with jill come a lot slower. i found a good spot to farm and keep restarting but its only 17 kills in about i dunno 10-15 minutes. when you need thousands thats a bit of a grind...

13 Anonymousabout 3 years

ok nm i found the room on the right lol its talking about in the room with the bodies hanging in bags


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