Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

How to Use Quick Turn

This is a guide to using the quick turn technique in Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to find out how to perform a quick turn and when it should be executed.

What is a Quick Turn?

A Quick 180

The quick turn is a technique that has been in the Resident Evil games since the original Resident Evil 3. It allows the player to turn their character 180°, causing them to face in opposite direction they were previously facing. The camera will flip as well.

How to Execute a Quick Turn

Control Type Execution Input
Type A L stick.png Down + O button.png
Type B and C L stick.png Down + L3 button.png

For more information on the controls, check out our Controls and Techniques Guide!
Controls and Techniques

When to Use the Quick Turn

Aim at Zombies Behind You

Zombie attack behind
If you hear a zombie right behind you, using the quick turn will allow you to turn around and aim right at them as soon as possible. You can even quick turn while aiming down, making sure you do not waste any of your movement.

For Falling Back

Gain Distance
You can use the quick turn when you need to turn around and fall back quickly. Instead of slowly turning, you can quickly about-face and run away from enemies in bad situations. Using it again right after will allow you to face them again and go back on the offensive.

Mastering the quick turn will allow you to maximize your movement and make it harder for zombies to hurt you!

Related Links

Before Playing

Controls and Techniques Character Models
Recommended Difficulty How Long Does It Take to Beat RE3
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Controls and Techniques

Basic Controls How to Dodge
How to Aim Quick Turn
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Beginner Guides


7 Anonymousover 4 years

Quick turn is really helpful for every action shooting games especially when running away, i played tlou and that quick turn is really useful since you are always running away

6 Anonymousover 4 years

why would you quick turn when there are zombies behind you? you use the quick turn feature to get away from zombies in front of you


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