Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

How to Get Infinite Ammo

This page will explain the different types of weapons with unlimited ammo, as well as how they can be obtained in Resident Evil 3 (Remake). Read on to learn how you can unlock infinite ammo in RE3!

Weapons With Unlimited Ammo

Some weapons have unlimited ammo and durability

With weapons that have no limit to the amount of ammo they have, they can be used indefinitely. With weapons like Rocket Launchers that can tons of enemies and do a ton of damage, you'll be able to fight enemies safely without worrying about running out of ammo.

In this game, the Survival Knife has inifinite durability, so it can also be used without worrying about it breaking or dissappearing.

How to Get Weapons With Infinite Ammo

Can be bought from the shop unlocked after clearing

All of the weapons with infinite ammo in Resident Evil 3 can be obtained via a shop that can be accessed after clearing the story. You'll need a lot of points, which you can in turn use to buy these powerful weapons!

Weapons with unlimited ammo and required points

Weapon Name Required Points
Infinite Handgun
Recommendation: ★★☆☆☆
8,000 pt
Assault Rifle
Recommendation: ★★★★★
28,400 pt
Infinite Rocket Launcher
Recommendation: ★★★★★
62,400 pt
Recommendation: ★★★★
12,000 pt

Related Links

List of Guns
G19 Handgun M3 Shotgun
CQBR Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher
.44 AE Lightning Hawk G18 Handgun (Burst Model)
Samurai Edge RAI-DEN
List of Sub Weapons
Knife Hand Grenades
Flash Grenade HOT DOGGER
List of Infinite Ammo Weapons
Infinite MUP Handgun Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle
Infinite Rocket Launcher -

List of All Weapons


3 Anonymousalmost 5 years

infinite rocketlauncher is so cheap. i mean you can down nemesis with 1 hit

2 Anonymousalmost 5 years

Nemesis became a baby omg hahahaha. I'm glad I farmed some points to unlock the infinite rocket launcher :D


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