Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

.44 AE Lightning Hawk - How to Get and Custom Parts

This page will show you how to get the .44 AE Lightning Hawk in Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn more about this weapon and its available custom parts!

.44 AE Lightning Hawk - Basic Information

Basic Information

.44 AE Lightning Hawk image
Ammunition MAG Ammo
Custom Parts Extended Barrel
Description 8-round capacity .44 AE MAG. Its gas-operated action, which is unusual for a semi-auto handgun, gives it both power and accuracy.

Where to the Find .44 AE Lightning Hawk

Get in the Courtyard in the Hospital

Lightning Hawk Location
The Lightning Hawk can be found in the Courtyard by Jill after she wakes up in the Hospital. Head up the stairs of the hospital to the second floor. Cross the bridge to the other side the turn left.

You will see a barricade with a hole big enough for Jill. Crawl through it then jump down into the Courtyard through the window. You will see the case containing the Lightning Hawk.

.44 AE Lightning Hawk Custom Parts

Extended Barrel

Extended Barrel image
Effect Decreases recoil and increases damage. Also increases capacity to 6 shots.

How to Use the .44 AE Lightning Hawk

Using the .44 AE Lightning Hawk on Nemesis

Currently under construction! Please check back soon.

Using the .44 AE Lightning Hawk on Enemies

The Lightning Hawk is a powerful magnum that can 1 shot normal zombies, and will take a few more shots on larger enemies. It can instantly kill a Pale Head, making it a recommended weapon against them. This weapon is highly effective against every enemy, it's only drawback is the rarity of its ammunition.

Related Links

List of Guns
G19 Handgun M3 Shotgun
CQBR Assault Rifle Grenade Launcher
.44 AE Lightning Hawk G18 Handgun (Burst Model)
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List of Sub Weapons
Knife Hand Grenades
Flash Grenade HOT DOGGER
List of Infinite Ammo Weapons
Infinite MUP Handgun Infinite CQBR Assault Rifle
Infinite Rocket Launcher -

List of All Weapons


19 Anonymousover 4 years

it doesnt matter, I won't lose to anyone. I will always win.

18 Anonymousalmost 5 years

It would depend on the next update for him. haha. since there would be new skills for survivors and masterminds.


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