Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Samuel Jordan - Skills and Strategy

This is the character page for Samuel Jordan from the game Resident Evil Resistance. Read on to learn more about Samuel, his background, and his skills!

Samuel Jordan Basic Information


Name Samuel Jordan
Occupation Pro Boxer
Age 21
Class Damage

Samuel Jordan is a professional boxer who sustained a career-ending injury during a boxing match. Desperate to make a come back in the ring, he took part on a new medical trial hoping to heal his injuries. No one has heard from him ever since.

Samuel's Skills

Fever Skill

Fever Skill
Samuel - 1.jpg Fist of Iron
Sam can use his boxing skills to give enemies the old one-two, but he can only attack with his bare-hands while this skill is active.

Skill Variants

Combat Icon.pngBrute Force Greatly increases damage dealt by Fists of Iron and triggers Finishers easier. Extends skill duration by 3 seconds per creature kill.
Base cooldown: 120 seconds
Recovery Icon.pngImmortal Continuously restores HP when Fists of Iron is active. Restores a small amount of HP whenever a nearby creature is killed.
Base cooldown: 120 seconds
Special Icon.pngTechnique Greatly increases the chance of critical hits during Fists of Iron. Each creature hit further raises your critical hit rate.
Base cooldown: 120 seconds

Personal Skill

Personal Skill
Samuel - 2.jpg Dash Punch
Sam Dashes forward quickly and punches the nearest enemy. Tap R2 repeatedly after using this skill to follow up with a flurry of punches.

Skill Variants

Combat Icon.pngRelentless Temporarily increases damge dealt after hitting creatures and bioweapons.
Base cooldown: 5 seconds
Recovery Icon.pngRecover Temporarily regenerates health and heals infections after hitting creatures and bioweapons.
Base cooldown: 5 seconds
Special Icon.pngSpeedloader Equipped firearm reloads automatically after hitting creatures and bioweapons. Greatly increases chance of critical hits for a set duration.
Base cooldown: 5 seconds

Passive Skills

Passive Skills
Samuel - 3.jpg Brawler
Sam's boxing training give him an upper hand in close combat.
samuel - 4.jpg Adrenaline
Sam can use Adrenaline to activate his Fever Skill faster than usual.

Brawler Skill Variants

Combat Icon.pngFocus Greatly increases damage dealt to nearby creatures, traps , bioweapons, and Bio Cores.
Special Icon.pngBlunt Force Greatly increases melee weapon damage, but accelerates depletion.
Defensive Icon.pngUnstoppable Cannot be knocked back my most attacks when using fists or melee weapons.

Adrenaline Skill Variants

Instant Icon.pngSurge Every enemy kill permanently reduces Fist of Iron base cooldown by 2 seconds. Max 30 seconds.
Special Icon.pngExhiliration Reduces Fists of Iron cooldown by 20 seconds when Sam uses his finisher.
Combat Icon.pngAttrition Reduces Fists of Iron cooldown by 5 seconds when a creature or bioweapon is hit by Dash Punch.

Samuel Strategy Guide

How to play - Samuel.jpg
Samuel is best suited to fighting in close quarters because of his ability Brawler. Make sure that you are in front of your team to deal maximum damage and to protect them from being attacked. Fists of Iron is an excellent skill when dealing with large amounts of enemies to clear rooms much faster. Use your Dash Punch to close the gap between you and your enemies and land your melee attacks much easier.

Tips When Using Samuel

Never buy guns or ammo

Samuel's specialty is being a very strong melee combatant. Guns and ammo will be wasted on him, so it is better to drop any ammo you pick up for your teammates to use.

You are the MVP in Area 3

When the survivors reach Area 3, you will become the most important survivor in the team. It will become your job to break the Bio-cores since they take extra damage from melee attacks.

Recommended Skill Variants

The recommended skill variants you should equip should rotate around increasing Samuel's damage and survivability while having Fists of Iron active as much as possible.

Below are the skill variants you should equip to maximize Samuel's potential:

Combat Icon.pngFever Skill: Brute Force Greatly increases damage dealt by Fists of Iron and triggers Finishers easier. Extends skill duration by 3 seconds per creature kill.
Recovery Icon.pngPersonal Skill: Recover Temporarily regenerates health and heals infections after hitting creatures and bioweapons.
Defensive Icon.pngPassive Skill 1: Unstoppable Cannot be knocked back my most attacks when using fists or melee weapons.
Instant Icon.pngPassive Skill 2: Surge Every enemy kill permanently reduces Fists of Iron base cooldown by 3 seconds. Max 30 seconds.

Recommended Equipment

The recommended equipment you should have revolves around increasing Samuel's damage and survivability as a front line combat unit.

Below is the equipment you should have to make Samuel stronger:

Bulletproof Vest I-III Increases maximum HP depending on which level is equipped.
Iron Nails I-III Increases the power of melee attacks depending on which level is equipped.
Leather Handle I-II Increases the chances of landing a critical hit with a melee attack depending on which level is equipped..
Army Boots Slightly increases movement speed.

Related Links

Survivor - Samuel.pngSamuel Jordan Survivor - January.pngJanuary Van Sant Survivor - Valerie.pngValerie Harmon
Survivor - Tyrone.pngTyrone Henry Survivor - Becca.pngBecca Woolett Survivor - Sandwich.pngMartin Sandwich
Jill Portrait.pngJill Valentine Mastermind - Daniel.pngDaniel Fabron Mastermind - Annette.pngAnnette Birkin
Mastermind - Alex.pngAlex Wesker Mastermind - Spencer.pngOzwell E. Spencer Mastermind - Nicholai.pngNicholai Ginovaef

Survivors and Masterminds


75 Anonymousover 4 years

I tried playing Samuel and the damage reduction is very obvious. Please buff Samuel on the next update. He became useless.

74 Anonymousover 4 years

yup. now more people won't play him. too bad.


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