Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3)

Recovery Items

List of Recovery Item Banner.jpg
This page contains information about the recovery items in the game Resident Evil 3 Remake (RE3 Remake). Read on to learn what the different recovery items are and their effects.

Recovery Items

Item Effect
Green Herb.jpgGreen Herb Restores a small amount of health.
Red Herb.jpgRed Herb No Effect. This is mainly used to combine with the green herb to increase its potency.
First Aid Spray.jpgFirst Aid Spray Fully restores your health.
G + R HerbMixed Herbs The effect varies depending on the herb combination.

Related Links

List of Items
Custom Parts Ammunitions
Recovery Items Key Items
Herb Combinations Gunpowder Combinations

List of Items


6 Anonymousover 4 years

having more combinations is really cool and the re4 upgrade system throughout the story is really good. i miss playing re4

5 Anonymousover 4 years

that makes the game have a more combinations making it really cool! that's why re4 is a really great game !


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