Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Unnatural Disaster Challenge Walkthrough

Unnatural Disaster Banner

This is a guide for Unnatural Disaster, a Challenge in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Read on to learn the best way to clear the challenge as well as obtainable rewards, materials and more!

Unnatural Disaster Basic Information

Unnatural Disaster
Challenge Level Range 71-80
Recommended Level 80
Region Central Hyrule
Special Conditions No Healing Items Appear
Time Limited
Unlock Conditions Clear the Challenge: Versus Calamity Ganon
First-Clear Rewards
Dark Tunic Icon Dark Tunic x1

Unnatural Disaster - Materials and Enemies

Battlefield-Specific Materials

Does not drop battlefield materials

List of Materials

Main Enemies

List of Enemies

Unnatural Disaster Walkthrough

  1. Defeat a Malice Igneo Talus
  2. Defeat a Malice Frost Talus
  3. Defeat a Malice Hinox
  4. Defeat a Malice Guardian
  5. Defeat a Malice Lynel

Unnatural Disaster - Tips and Strategy Guide

This challenge, though one of the hardest in the game, is fairly straightforward and relies heavily on combat techniques.

You will have to fight the Malice forms of an Igneo Talus, a Frost Talus, a Hinox, a Guardian, and a Lynel. The good thing is, you will have to fight them one-by-one which gives you a lot of breathing room.

If you are still having a hard time, here are some tips and tricks to make this challenge enjoyable!

Use Duelist-type Characters

Mipha Special Attack.JPG

Use characters that are good at fighting Powerful Foes one-on-one - characters like Link, Mipha, Sidon, and King Rhoam to name a few.

If you are really having trouble with survivability, we suggest using Mipha as her special-attack restores hearts!

Best Character Tier List

Always Aim For a Flurry Rush

Flurry Rush Unnatural Disaster.JPG

Always try to execute Flurry Rushes by dodging at the last time! Flurry Rushes hit directly to the weak-point gauge so always try to execute it!

How to Perform a Flurry Rush

Target the Weakpoints on Top of the Taluses

Aim for the Talus Head.JPG

Hitting the stones on top of the Taluses' heads damages the weak-point gauge directly so take time to hit them!

You can accomplish this by using aerial attacks like Link's YYYYX combo or Mipha's R!

Boss Battle Guide: How to Beat Malice Igneo Talus

Follow Sheikah Rune Prompts

Always Execute Rune Prompts.JPG

Always try to execute runes when prompted as this opens up the enemy's weak-point gauge. Also, know the other uses of runes offensively!

Use Stasis to Extend the Weak-Point Gauge

Use Stasis to Extend WPG.JPG

The Stasis rune allows you to extend the hitting duration of an enemy's Weak-Point Gauge. Just use it when the Weak-Point Gauge is exposed to attacks.

Use Remote Bombs to Hit the Weak-Point Gauge Directly

Use Remote Bombs to Attack WPG Directly.JPG

Take note that the Remote Bomb rune deals damage directly to the enemy's Weak-Point Gauge. Do not hesitate to use it when the full Weak-Point Gauge is close to breaking.

Sheikah Runes Guide: How to Use Runes in Battle

Stock Up on Rods and Apples

Do not Have Rods and Apples

We recommend that you stock up on elemental rods and apples before this challenge. The enemies here hit hard and they will chip away your health fast!

The enemies here are not elemental but using elemental rods will still help opening up enemies' weak-point gauge for damage!

Healing Items and How to Heal

Deflect Guardian Beams!

Deflect Guardian Beams.JPG

Like in Breath of the Wild, Guardian beams can be deflected! This can be accomplished by blocking and hitting the Y button just before the beam hits you.

This damages the Guardian's weak-point gauge and opens it up for extra damage! Take note that this can only be executed by shield-bearing characters like Link and Urbosa!

Boss Battle Guide: How to Beat Malice Guardian

Over-Level your Character

Over Level Link

If you are still having difficulty, we suggest over-leveling your chosen character by grinding EXP on other easier challenges or using the Military Training Camp. We suggest going 5 to 10 levels above the recommended!

How to Level Up Fast

Use Cooking

Cooking Fiercest of Foes

Since this challenge does not drop healing items, we suggest cooking recipes that promote survivability and increases perfect-dodge timing window:

Survivability Damage from Enemies -%
Recover Health Every 10 Seconds
Perfect-Dodge Timing Window Perfect-Dodge Timing Window +%

Cooking Guide and List of Recipes

Set the Difficulty to Easy

Easy Mode
If you are really stuck and at the end of your wits, we suggest setting the difficulty mode to Easy. Enemies are easier to defeat and they do not hit that hard in this difficulty so the problem with the time constraint and survivability may be solved.

Of course, you can always change the difficulty back afterward!

Difference Between Difficulty Modes: Which Difficulty Should You Choose?

Related Links

HW:AoC - Challenges
List of Challenges


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