Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

King Rhoam Usage Guide, Builds, Combos, and How to Unlock

King Rhoam Usage Guide and How to Unlock

This guide will show how to unlock King Rhoam in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Additionally, you can find this character's weapon information, builds, combo chart and actions, how to play as King Rhoam in Age of Calamity, and more.

How to Unlock King Rhoam & Weapon Information

King Rhoam Image
How to Unlock Joins after Chapter 7: The Great Plateau
Weapon Used Claymore
Voice Actor
Bill Rogers
Voice Actor
Hiroshi Naka

Best King Rhoam Builds

Weapon Best seal
Royal ClaymoreRoyal Claymore
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Since he can unleash two consecutive strong attacks with his unique ability, give him Strong-Attack Damage seals and just add in a couple of Attack Speed seals for faster combos.

How to Play as King Rhoam

King Rhoam Combo Chart

Regular Attacks
Strong Attack 1
Strong Attack 2
Strong Attack 3
Strong Attack 4
Midair Regular Attack
Midair Strong Attack
Unique Action
ZR Button
Switch between guises
(Switch during a strong attack to follow up with another strong attack from the other guise)

Difference Between Guises

The King Guise has slower but stronger attacks while the Hermit Guise has weaker but faster attacks. Chaining this unique ability to your combos will increase your damage output.

List of King Rhoam's Weapons

Weapon Base Atk Hidden Seals
SoldierSoldier's Claymore 29 Level 25: Attack Speed: +8%
Level 30: Perfect-Dodge Timing Window: +20%
KnightKnight's Claymore 48 Level 25: Attack Range: +13%
Level 30: Special-Attack Charge Rate: +7%
Royal Claymore IconRoyal Claymore 74 Level 25: Damage Reflected When Guarding: 20%
Level 30: Chance to KO Weak Enemies: +11%

King Rhoam's Quests

Quest How to Unlock / Reward
Scars of the Calamity Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
King Rhoam: +1 Bonus Hearts
Medicine is the Best Medicine Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
King Rhoam: +1 Bonus Hearts
Perils of Mount Hylia Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
King Rhoam: Bonus Combo
Climbing Boots
Woodcutter's Discipline Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
King Rhoam: Bonus Combo
For the Future of Hyrule Clear the Battle: The Great Plateau
King Rhoam: Bonus Combo
Parental Support Clear the Battle: All Hyrule, United
King Rhoam: +2 Bonus Hearts
A Flower Fit for a King Clear the Battle: All Hyrule, United
King Rhoam: Bonus Combo
The Royal Treasury Clear the Battle: All Hyrule, United
King Rhoam: +2 Bonus Hearts
Strategic Fortifications Clear the Battle: All Hyrule, United
King Rhoam: Special-Attack Gauge +1
The King's Secret Technique Clear the Battle: All Hyrule, United
King Rhoam: Bonus Combo
Warm Doublet
A King Serves His People Clear the Challenge: Guardian Graveyard
King Rhoam: Enhanced Ability
Royal Guard Boots
Royal Inspection Clear the Battle: King Rhoam's Training
King Rhoam: Special-Attack Gauge +1
EX Analysis and Countermeasures Clear the Battle: EX The Princess and the King
King Rhoam: EX Enhanced Ability

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Characters

HW - List of Characters

How to Unlock All Playable Characters

Main Characters
Link IconLink Impa IconImpa Zelda IconZelda
Mipha IconMipha Daruk IconDaruk Revali IconRevali Urbosa IconUrbosa
Secret Characters
Hestu IconHestu Sidon IconSidon Yunobo IconYunobo Riju IconRiju
Teba IconTeba Master Kohga IconMaster Kohga King Rhoam IconKing Rhoam Great Fairies IconGreat Fairies
Monk Maz Koshia IconMonk Maz Koshia Terrako IconTerrako Calamity Ganon IconCalamity Ganon Age of Calamity - Battle-Tested Guardian Icon.pngBattle-Tested Guardian
Best Character Tier List
Supporting Characters
Purah Robbie -
Astor Sooga -
English and Japanese Voice Actors and Cast


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