Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Blood Moon Battlefields: Rewards and How to Unlock

Blood Moon Battlefields

This is a guide to Blood Moon Battlefields in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. Read on to learn about on how to unlock Blood Moon Battlefields, how to beat them, and mission rewards.

What Are Blood Moon Battlefields?

What Are Blood Moon Battlefields?

A Blood Moon Battlefield is a game mode that allows you to replay a Story Battle under a Blood Moon. In Breath of the Wild, Blood Moons were essentially the game's way of respawning all defeated enemies and items, but in Hyrule Warriors, they are essentially remixed challenges.

Blood Moon Battlefield will feature tougher enemies and will net you better rewards compared to regular battles. Because of this, these Missions will have a higher Recommended Level. Be sure to prepare for each challenge by leveling up your character and building their weapons!

How to Unlock Blood Moon Battlefields

Unlocked After Completing the Story

How to Unlock Blood Moon Battlefield

Find a Story Battle with a Blood Moon
icon on the map!

Blood Moon Missions unlock after clearing the final Story Battle (Chapter 7: The Future of Hyrule). Once complete, Blood Moon Missions will spawn randomly after completing a Story Battle or a Challenge.

Triggering a Blood Moon

How to Unlock Blood Moon Battlefield

The game will spawn a Blood Moon Mission on a random Story Battle.

You might have to grind a few challenges if you're waiting for a Blood Moon on a specific Story Battle.

The game will randomly choose which Story Battle to make a Blood Moon Battlefield available. Whether you choose to playthrough the selected Blood Moon Battlefield or a different Story Battle or Challenge, the game will respawn a Blood Moon on a new Story Battle so long as you clear either a Story Battle or Challenge.

In doing so, Blood Moon Battlefields will respawn at least thrice before despawning.

Blood Moon Battlefield Rewards

Higher EXP

Blood Moon Battlefield Rewards

Because these battles will have tougher enemies to beat, Blood Moon Battlefield will reward you with more EXP than a regular Story Battle does.

Use characters you want leveled up faster for Blood Moon Battlefield to raise their EXP.

How to Level Up Fast | EXP Farming Guide

Better Weapons

Blood Moon Missions Battlefield

These missions will also reward you with stronger weapons and seals.

If you're upgrading a specific character's weapon, you may want to find bring them to a Blood Moon Battlefield to look for stronger weapons with rarer seals.

Best Weapon Skills

Age of Calamity Tips and Tricks

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Age of Calamity Tips and Tricks

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