Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Best Weapons and Weapon Build for Each Character (All 19 Playable Characters)

Best Weapon Builds banner.png

This is a guide to the Best Weapons and Builds of all 19 playable characters in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. Prepare your characters for the end-game challenges and battles with our recommended builds below!

Best Weapon Build for Each Character

Character Builds
(Click to Jump!)
Link.pngLink Impa.pngImpa Zelda.pngZelda Mipha.pngMipha
Daruk.pngDaruk Urbosa.pngUrbosa Revali.pngRevali Hestu.pngHestu
Great Fairies.pngGreat Fairies Monk Maz Koshia.pngMonk Maz Koshia Sidon.pngSidon Yunobo.pngYunobo
Riju.pngRiju Teba.pngTeba Master Kohga.pngMaster Kohga King Rhoam.pngKing Rhoam
Terrako.pngTerrako Calamity Ganon.pngCalamity Ganon Age of Calamity - Battle-Tested Guardian IconBattle-Tested Guardian -

Click the characters to see their builds!


Master Sword

Weapon Best seal
Master SwordMaster Sword
Damage at Full Hearts Seal Damage at Full Hearts
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Damage at Full Hearts amplifies the Master Sword's DPS together with the Sword Beam ability. Take note that this weapon skill is only recommended once you unlock the Master Sword's second hidden seal.

You can use either Attack Speed or Regular-Attack Damage for the meantime then just remove it later once you've maxed out the weapon.

One-Handed Sword

Weapon Best seal
Savage Lynel SwordSavage Lynel Sword
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
After you unlock the combo upgrade where he can force weak-points on enemies, Attack Speed seals will be the best choice of weapon skill to stunlock strong enemies.

Two-Handed Sword

Weapon Best seal
Savage Lynel CrusherSavage Lynel Crusher
Damage at 30% Hearts or Less Seal Damage at 30% Hearts or Less
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Stack Damage at 30% Hearts or Less seals and bring your health down by spamming his unique ability to increase his damage. This technique is quite dangerous so don't forget to heal self-inflicted damage with X or his special attack.


Weapon Best seal
Savage Lynel SpearSavage Lynel Spear
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Spear Link has a decent attack speed and attack range to begin with so it would be best to increase his damage output. Mix in a couple of Attack Speed seals if you need a faster combo execution.


Weapon Best seal
Ancient Bladed FlailAncient Bladed Flail
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Flail Link has a decent attack range and power, thanks to its copy ability. Use Regular-Attack Damage to increase its damage output and add in Attack Speed if you need faster combos when using a copied two-handed weapon.


Weapon Best seal
Devoted KodachiDevoted Kodachi
Special-Attack Damage Seal Special-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Perfect-Dodge Timing Window Seal Perfect-Dodge Timing Window
Impa can basically spam special attacks, thanks to her shadow clones. Stack Special-Attack Damage seals on her weapon to make the most of this ability.


Sheikah Slate

Weapon Best seal
Ancient Overclock UnitAncient Overclock Unit
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
The Sheikah Slate's combo upgrades focuses on extending Zelda's strong attacks so Strong-Attack Damage seals are the best choice for this weapon.

Bow of Light

Weapon Best seal
Sealing BowSealing Bow
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Special-Attack Charge Rate Seal Special-Attack Charge Rate
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Attack Speed and Special-Attack Charge Rate are both safe choices so you can use her Luminiscence form for longer.

Master Cycle

Weapon Best seal
Master Cycle HunterMaster Cycle Hunter
Dash-Attack Damage Seal Dash-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Stack a combination of Dash-Attack Damage and Regular-Attack Damage to boost the Master Cycle's effectiveness at clearing mobs and stand against powerful foes.


Weapon Best seal
Lightscale TridentLightscale Trident
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Midair-Attack Damage Seal Midair-Attack Damage
Increase Mipha's attack speed to force weak-points on enemies more frequently. Midair-Attack Damage is for the attacks following the use of her unique ability.


Weapon Best seal
Boulder BreakerBoulder Breaker
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Daruk needs Attack Speed seals so he can stunlock strong enemies and perform well against mobs inside outposts.


Weapon Best seal
Scimitar of the SevenScimitar of the Seven
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Increase the damage of her lightning attacks by adding Strong-Attack Damage seals. You can add Attack Speed seals for faster lightning gauge charges.


Weapon Best seal
Great Eagle BowGreat Eagle Bow
Midair-Attack Damage Seal Midair-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Revali is much better in aerial combat since most of his upgrades are for his midair combo tree.


Weapon Best seal
Shakalaka MaracasShakalaka Maracas
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Strong-Attack Damage is top priority seal for his strong combo finishers especially if he has the maximum number of Koroks summoned.

Great Fairies

Weapon Best seal
Extravagant BanglesExtravagant Bangles
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Combine Attack Speed and Strong-Attack Damage seals to increase the effectiveness of their vacuum attack, a combo upgrade you will unlock later on.

Monk Maz Koshia

Weapon Best seal
Bands of TruthBands of Truth
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Attack Speed seals are important for his combos so he can create more relics to absorb for his unique ability.


Weapon Best seal
Ceremonial TridentCeremonial Trident
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Sidon's unique ability specializes on his strong attacks. Put in Strong-Attack Damage seals in his weapon to supplement the boost from his ability.


Weapon Best seal
Rock Roast FlambéRock Roast Flambé
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Even though his unique ability is focused on his strong attacks, you need to increase his attack speed high enough to increase the chances of completing his combos with upgraded strong attacks.


Weapon Best seal
Bridle of the SevenBridle of the Seven
Dash-Attack Damage Seal Dash-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Riju is good at clearing mobs with her dash attacks but not that good against strong enemies. Add in Regular-Attack Damage seals to increase her effectiveness on both types of enemies.


Weapon Best seal
Falcon BowFalcon Bow
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage for his "spam X" ability. You can increase his attack speed if your combo always gets interrupted.

Master Kohga

Weapon Best seal
Demon CarverDemon Carver
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
His Big Glowy Blast can only be used by spamming strong attacks. Give him attack speed boosts and make sure you end each combo with strong attacks so you can use his unique ability more frequently.

King Rhoam

Weapon Best seal
Royal ClaymoreRoyal Claymore
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Alternative seals
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Since he can unleash two consecutive strong attacks with his unique ability, give him Strong-Attack Damage seals and just add in a couple of Attack Speed seals for faster combos.


Weapon Best seal
Gear of the ProtectorGear of the Protector
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Some of Terrako's strong attacks are great for crowd controls. You would want to increase his attack speed so you can unleash this sooner.

Calamity Ganon

Weapon Best seal
Heart of AnnihilationHeart of Annihilation
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Increase his attack speed so he can perform more combos, produce more Malice, and enter Calamity form much faster.

Battle-Tested Guardian

Weapon Best seal
Battle-Tested GearBattle-Tested Gear
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Although the Battle-Tested Guardian's combos are great for clearing mobs, you need to add in Attack Speed seals to increase the chances of completing its combos without getting interrupted.

Related Guides

HW - List of Weapons
List of All Weapons

Weapons By Type
One-Handed Weapons Two-Handed Weapons Spears
Bows Kodachi Sheikah Slates
Maracas Bridles Rock Roasts
Bands Ancient Parts Flails
Master Cycles - -
Other Weapon Guides
Best Weapon Skills Best Weapons and Weapon Builds


22 Anonymousalmost 2 years

I know this is a very late reply, but you may have noticed by now that different quality of weapons have different ranges of damage. For the highest possible damage, you’ll want to farm levels under the effect of a Blood Moon. During those stages, even lower quality weapons can have higher damage output than their higher tier weapons that have their lower damage ranges.

21 Anonymousover 2 years

Sooga is playable along with Purah and robbie.


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