Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

List of All Armor (Tunics)

A list of all Armor (Tunics) in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. All armors and tunics Link can wear, as well as how to unlock them can be found here!

List of Armor (Tunics)


Costume How to Unlock
Barbarian Armor IconBarbarian Armor
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Coliseum: Expert
ChampionChampion's Tunic
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Road Home, Besieged
Climbing Gear IconClimbing Gear
Unlocked by completing the quest: The Hope of Necluda.
Dark Tunic IconDark Tunic
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Unnatural Disaster
Desert Voe Spaulder IconDesert Voe Spaulder
Unlocked by completing the story mission: Urbosa, the Gerudo Chief
Flamebreaker Armor IconFlamebreaker Armor
Unlocked by completing the story mission: Daruk, the Goron Hero
Gerudo Top IconGerudo Top
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Miss Vai Battle Pageant
Hylian Tunic IconHylian Tunic
Unlocked by completing the story mission: Freeing Korok Forest
Hyrule WarriorHyrule Warrior's Tunic
Unlocked by completing the quest: The Hope of All Hyrule.
Prototype Ancient Cuirass IconPrototype Ancient Cuirass Obtained as a purchase bonus for the DLC.
Radiant Shirt IconRadiant Shirt
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Deep Woods, Deep Shadow
Royal Guard Uniform IconRoyal Guard Uniform
Unlocked by completing the challenge: King's Escort
Rubber Armor IconRubber Armor
Unlocked by completing the challenge: The So-Called Knight
Snowquill Tunic IconSnowquill Tunic
Unlocked by completing the quest: The White Bird of Talonto Peak.
SoldierSoldier's Armor Obtained from the start
Stealth Chest Guard IconStealth Chest Guard
Unlocked by completing the quest: Village Training Secrets.
Tunic of the Wild IconTunic of the Wild
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Hyrule's Greatest Warrior
Warm Doublet IconWarm Doublet
Unlocked by completing the quest: The King's Secret Technique.
Zora Armor IconZora Armor
Unlocked by completing the challenge: Heart's Escort


Costume How to Unlock
ZeldaZelda's Ceremonial Robes
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Future of Hyrule
ZeldaZelda's Winter Clothes
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Future of Hyrule


Costume How to Unlock
DarukDaruk's Champion Garb
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Future of Hyrule
MiphaMipha's Champion Garb
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Future of Hyrule
RevaliRevali's Champion Garb
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Future of Hyrule
UrbosaUrbosa's Champion Garb
Unlocked by completing the story mission: The Future of Hyrule

All Age of Calamity Outfits

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity - Costumes

Costumes List: How to Unlock Costumes

Outfit Types
Sets Headgear
Armor (Tunics) Greaves (Boots)


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