Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Terrako Usage Guide, Builds, Combos, and How to Unlock

Terrako Usage Guide and How to Unlock

This guide will show how to unlock Terrako in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity. Additionally, you can find this character's weapon information, builds, combo chart and actions, how to play as Terrako in Age of Calamity, and more.

How to Unlock Terrako & Weapon Information

Terrako Image
How to Unlock Joins after completing Terrako's Return
Weapon Used Ancient Part
Voice Actor
Voice Actor

Best Terrako Builds

Weapon Best seal
Gear of the ProtectorGear of the Protector
Attack Speed Seal Attack Speed
Alternative seals
Regular-Attack Damage Seal Regular-Attack Damage
Strong-Attack Damage Seal Strong-Attack Damage
Some of Terrako's strong attacks are great for crowd controls. You would want to increase his attack speed so you can unleash this sooner.

How to Play as Terrako

Terrako Combo Chart

Regular Attacks
Strong Attack 1

Creates a pair of orbs that will shoot lasers by pressing ZR
Strong Attack 2
Strong Attack 3
Strong Attack 4
Midair Regular Attack

(Can be aimed)
Midair Strong Attack
Unique Action
ZR Button
Fire lasers
(Can be used while doing regular or strong attacks; Hold to charge a powerful beam)

List of Terrako's Weapons

Weapon Base Atk Hidden Seals
Blessed Screw IconBlessed Screw 30 Level 25: Battle EXP: +11%
Level 30: Detects Nearby Chests
Benevolent Spring IconBenevolent Spring 52 Level 25: Detects Nearby Koroks
Level 30: Regular-Attack Damage: +7%
Gear of the Protector IconGear of the Protector 70 Level 25: Damage to Locked-On Target: +11%
Level 30: Damage Reflected When Guarding: 20%

Terrako's Quests

Quest How to Unlock / Reward
Let's Dance Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Terrako Component x3
A Secret in Song Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Terrako Component x2
Terrako's Return Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Repair Terrako
Search Party for Parts Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Terrako Component x2
No Extreme Too Extreme Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Terrako Component x5
The Eyes That Sees Far Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Terrako Component x2
Searching Eventide Island Clear the Battle: The Future of Hyrule
Terrako Component x5
Right under Our Noses Complete the Quest: No Extreme Too Extreme
Terrako Component x4
Gathering the Facts Complete the Quest: Search Party for Parts
Terrako Component x5
Testing... Testing... One, Two Complete the Quest: Terrako's Return
Terrako: Bonus Combo
Learning from the Best Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: Bonus Combo
Preserving the Posterity Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: Bonus Combo
Unrelenting Power Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: Bonus Combo
Fragmented Memories Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: Bonus Combo
Terrako, Empowered Complete the Quest: Terrako's Return
Terrako: +1 Bonus Hearts
Tough as Nails Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: +1 Bonus Hearts
Tougher than Nails Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: +2 Bonus Hearts
Slightly Less Tougher than Nails... Complete the Quest: Testing... Testing... One, Two...
Terrako: +2 Bonus Hearts
Terrako, Enlightened Clear the Challenge: Guardian Showdown
Terrako: Enhanced Ability
Made with Love Complete the Quest: Terrako, Empowered
Terrako: Special-Attack Gauge +1
To Brighten Her Day Complete the Quest: Terrako, Empowered
Terrako: Special-Attack Gauge +1
EX Relic Lessons Clear the Battle: EX Guardian of Remembrance
Terrako: EX Enhanced Ability

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity Characters

HW - List of Characters

How to Unlock All Playable Characters

Main Characters
Link IconLink Impa IconImpa Zelda IconZelda
Mipha IconMipha Daruk IconDaruk Revali IconRevali Urbosa IconUrbosa
Secret Characters
Hestu IconHestu Sidon IconSidon Yunobo IconYunobo Riju IconRiju
Teba IconTeba Master Kohga IconMaster Kohga King Rhoam IconKing Rhoam Great Fairies IconGreat Fairies
Monk Maz Koshia IconMonk Maz Koshia Terrako IconTerrako Calamity Ganon IconCalamity Ganon Age of Calamity - Battle-Tested Guardian Icon.pngBattle-Tested Guardian
Best Character Tier List
Supporting Characters
Purah Robbie -
Astor Sooga -
English and Japanese Voice Actors and Cast


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