Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Release Date: When Will Hyrule Warriors AoC Come Out?

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This is a guide to the release date of Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity (HW: AoC) for the Nintendo Switch. Learn when will the game be released and more about the demo version below!

Hyrule Warriors AoC Release Date

November 20, 2020

Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity will be available on November 20, 2020. The exact time of release depends on what region you are in, as well as if you plan to buy the digital or physical version of the game.

Digital Version Pre-Order Bonus

If you bought the digital version of the game from Nintendo.com or the Nintendo eShop, you'll be able to pre-load the game so you can play it as soon as the game is released! Take note that the availability time varies on your region.

You will also receive an in-game item, Lucky Ladle, for pre-ordering the digital version of the game. This item can be used as a weapon (with a Pot Lid shield) or fused with other items.

Training Sword Bonus Item

Training Sword.png

When you play the main game while having a save data for Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild in your system, you will also receive the Training Sword in-game item! Equipping this weapon will automatically give you a Pot Lid shield.

Hyrule Warriors AoC Demo Release Date

Available Now!

On October 28, 2020, the demo version of the game was released on the Nintendo eShop. You'll be able to play through Chapter 1 quests as well as gain access to early game shops and character upgrades.

Save Data Transfer

Your progress in the demo version can be transferred to the full game. This way, you can resume the game from where you left it in the demo with all your items, character, and map progress!

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