Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity

Water and Fire Walkthrough: All Treasure Chests and Korok Seeds Locations

Water and Fire Banner.png

A walkthrough for Chapter 5: Water and Fire in Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity for the Nintendo Switch. Water and Fire maps, main enemies and battlefield materials, locations of Korok seeds and treasure chests, how to unlock, as well as rewards for completing this battle can be found in this guide.

Water and Fire Overview

Battle Info

Water and Fire
Story Chapter Chapter 5
Recommended Level 41
Region Lanayru
Unlock Conditions Clear the Battle: Calamity Strikes


First-Clear Rewards None

Water and Fire Battlefield Materials and Main Enemies

Battlefield Materials

Currently Unavailable

List of Materials

Water and Fire Walkthrough



1 Eye of Malice.jpg
Quickly head to Mipha's location and rescue her.

Remove the Malice swamp by destroying the Eyes of Malice marked on your map. You'll have to defeat the strong enemies guarding them, first.

The third eye is guarded by an Ice Lynel.
2 Enter Vah Ruta and defeat Waterblight Ganon.
3 Igneo Talus.jpg
Head to the marked location and defeat the Igneo Talus.
4 Fire Lynel.jpg
Make your way to the Divine Beast and defeat the Fire Lynel.
5 Enter Vah Rudania and defeat Fireblight Ganon.
6 Destroying bridge.jpg
Have Rudania defeat the marked enemies ahead then destroy the two bridges to block the advancing Guardians.

Don't forget to protect the defensive line while you're at it.
7 Head north and destroy the monster outpost to finish the battle.

Water and Fire Tips and Strategies

Exploit Elemental Weaknesses

Ice Lynel.jpg

Using an elemental rod that your enemy is weak to will shatter their weak-point gauge, making it easier to deplete. Take advantage of the enemies' elemental weaknesses especially when against the Lynels.

How to Beat Waterblight Ganon

Watch Out for Attack Markers

Attack markers.jpg

Some of Waterblight's attacks are easily avoidable by looking for signals such as markers on the ground. Keep an eye out for large white markers on the ground and quickly back away to avoid its next attack.

Follow Rune Prompts

Rune prompts.jpg

Always follow the rune prompts. This battle is much harder than the previous battles so you're going to need to spam Weak-Point Smashes as much as possible, and following rune prompts is one way to do it.

Weak to Fire

Flamed Waterblight Ganon.jpg

Obviously, you can flame Waterblight Ganon and put it in a weakened state. Use your Fire Rod to shatter its weak-point gauge so you can deplete it faster.

How to Beat Fireblight Ganon

Follow Rune Prompts

Bombed Fireblight Ganon.jpg

Fireblight is quite easier than Waterblight. Most of its attacks are slow and can be easily perfect dodged. Keep on dodging and attacking while following the rune prompts and it'll be over in no time.

Weak to Ice

Shatter Fireblight Ganon's weak-point gauge by bombarding it with your Ice Rod. Go all out when this happens and aim for a Weak-Point Smash.

How to Perform a Weak-Point Smash

Water and Fire Korok Seed Locations

3 Korok Seeds Total

Map Location Directions
Find a balloon east of the map.
Find a crate in a hidden path south of the map.
Find a flower on the southeasternmost path on the map.

How to Break Korok Balloons

Korok Seed Locations: How to Find All Korok Seeds

Water and Fire Treasure Chest Locations

Number Location and Description Rewards

Find this chest near a dead tree on the west part of the map.

Find the chest behind Korok 1.
Ancient Power Boost

Find the chest next to a tree on your way to Vah Rudania.
Kakariko Kodachi

Find the chest behind Korok 2.
Opal ×5

Find the chest on the way to the Southernmost Eye of Malice.
Rupees ×300

Find the chest on the way to the Northernmost Eye of Malice.
Zora Sword

Find the chest to the left just past where you fought the Fire Wizzrobe.
Silverscale Spear

Find the chest to the left just past where you fought the Igneo Talus.
Diamond ×1

All Treasure Chest Locations

All Story Guides

HW - Story Walkthrough

Story Walkthrough: List of Chapters

Chapter 1
The Battle of Hyrule Field Walkthrough.pngThe Battle of Hyrule Field Road to the Ancient Lab Walkthrough.pngRoad to the Ancient Lab
Chapter 2
Mipha the Zora Princess Walkthrough.pngMipha, the Zora Princess Daruk the Goron Hero Walkthrough.pngDaruk, the Goron Hero
Revali the Rito Warrior Walkthrough.pngRevali, the Rito Warrior Urbosa the Gerudo Chief Walkthrough.pngUrbosa, the Gerudo Chief
The Yiga Clan Attacks! Walkthrough.pngThe Yiga Clan Attacks!
Chapter 3
Freeing Korok Forest Walkthrough.pngFreeing Korok Forest The Road Home Besieged Walkthrough.pngThe Road Home, Besieged
Chapter 4
Akkala Tower Walkthrough.pngAkkala Tower Destroy the Yiga Clan! Walkthrough.pngDestroy the Yiga Clan!
When Courage Fails Walkthrough.pngWhen Courage Fails
Chapter 5
Calamity Strikes Walkthrough.pngCalamity Strikes
Water and Fire Walkthrough.pngWater and Fire Air and Lightning Walkthrough.pngAir and Lightning
Chapter 6
Relentless as a Waterfall Walkthrough.pngRelentless as a Waterfall Each Step Like Thunder Walkthrough.pngEach Step Like Thunder
Chapter 7
The Great Plateau Walkthrough.pngThe Great Plateau All Hyrule United Walkthrough.pngAll Hyrule, United
The Future of Hyrule Walkthrough.pngThe Future of Hyrule


1 Anonymousabout 2 years

If you power level Mipha or Daruk, will they have more health?


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